13 Comment
I have loved coming onto this webpage. It is my sanity break, meal inspiration,gift ideas, my ” oh my god it has been raining for a week what to I do with her” saviour.
It is pretty rare I bother with the whole facebook thing – mainly when it is fire season for CFA updates.
Today I happened to see a MoM post on Facebook, where a Mum has asked about an Ipody thingy for her child. I started to read the answers, as I am not very up on modern technology, and thought I might get an idea as to whether it might be something I should look at for my child.
To say I was disgusted would be an understatement.
Some of the most awful, derogatory and rude comments were being posted at a rapid rate of knots.
I was ashamed to think I was a part of the community who were tormenting this poor person.
I thought we were a lovely group of Mums working together to help each other out, not a pack of schoolyard bullies.
In fact, some of the things being said took me straight back to memories of feeling terribly helpess and distressed at the hands of bullies, so I can only imagine what the poor mother who posted this innocent question is going through.
One comment from a member’s husband brought up a very valid point. Could you imagine the impact this could have on someone already depressed? We see in the news articles on people suiciding as the result of bullying.
How dreadful would it be if one of this community were to take such drastic action?
I am not going to leave this community, as I feel it has so much to offer, and I hope I have something to offer in return.
I would strongly hope if you are reading this, and if you were responsible for any of these terrible comments, you will feel ashamed at your actions and will moderate your behaviour in future.
Posted by katelt, 26th December 2013
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