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An AUTISM Story from a 23yo young mother of 3. – By Suzanne Cody/Dowsley
My son Ryan has autism, he is 5 years old and ever since he was born i have always known he was different. When he was 2 he would watch the same movie over and over all day long and wouldn’t want to do anything diff rent, or change the movie to anything else. This made him happy and that made me happy. When he was learning to talk {and even now} he would mix things up and learnt very slowly, and still now doesn’t complexly talk 100% normally. He likes things the same, hates change and has strange fears of things for unknown reasons. He learns slower than others with some “normal subjects” and amazingly fast with more weirder subjects. He loves to pile pillows and blankets up and play in the centre, he loves to rock back and forth as fast as he can against the couch or a chair or a wall and loves to run around crazy until he has no energy left. He loves his little sister and newborn baby brother more than the world! He doesn’t like other children or playing in playgrounds or being social in any other-ways. He likes to collect mechanical things and has a special type of obsession with these special things like vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, whipper snipers, BBQ’s and other things like that. He gets very over excited and “hypo” when we are in the supermarket, playing games or any time he is having fun. He gets out of control and runs a complete muck and is really hard to settle down. He asks questions he knows the answers to 20 times in a row even if you answer every single time he still asks again and again because he dopiest know what else to ask or say but really wants to talk to you. He plays in diff rent ways to other kids and if you don’t know him you wont understand or be able to play with him. He loves things to stay the same, products from the supermarket have to be the same “usual” brand as we normally buy otherwise he will have a melt down, and his meltdowns are very extreme. If some things upsets him at all and it can be the sillyist or smallest thing he is cry uncontrollably until he ether throws up or near passes out and nothing you do or say can possibly make him happy until u understand what he is trying to get you to know and this can be very hard as he doesn’t say what he wants or what upset him in the first place and the only thing you can do is to replay the last moments before the meltdown to try and figure out what went wrong.. and this can be very hard. His meltdowns are very extremely hard to handle and get though but once they are over he go’s back to his normal self pretty much instantly. My little boy is amazing and so special and unique but unless you know him you wont be able to understand him or his autism so please understand when someone has autistic it can be very hard to understand them unless you try. So please try to get awayness out there and help others understand why the little boy in the supermarket is crying at the “rent a vacuums” stand and wants to take it home… Thank you.”
This story was written a year ago, this was my son last year, And he HAS grown, he has LEARNT and he has come VERY FAR! More storys will come soon of my beautiful son ryanand how HE see’s this world 🙂
Posted by suzi.mumma.bear.codi, 23rd July 2013
coastalkaryn said
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