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It’s hard these days with bills, cost of living are getting harder each day. Things I do so when bills come in there not much. I payed $20-$30 on each week . And once a year I shop round for gas etc wat does every one else do. I shop at farms for Vegas so the famers get money as well

Posted by mom57506, 1st August 2014

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  • I always shop around for my specials and stock up when things are cheap but really must look at gas and water don’t find energy Australia to be great at all.


  • I also pay a certain amount each week to my bills and love it when the bill comes in and its either nothing to pay or less than $100.
    We are a family of 6 and i found buying meat was just so expensive so we now buy half a side of cow every 6 months works out to about $500 the butcher cuts it into all the different steaks and i get mince and sausages from it to its great.


  • I also try to buy in bulk when it allows but also I use longlife milk and put it in a milk bottle and top with water it goes a little further without the kids knowing if longlife milk


  • We get paid fortnightly so I pay the bills (incremental payment on the water and electricity) and always put aside some money into a savings account. The savings cover the bigger bills (insurance, rego etc). What is left is petrol and grocery money. I check what specials our butcher has too as often their prices are really good compared to the supermarket!


  • I’m do the same as ARCTICWYNTA as we also live rural and our options can be limited. We always have building, contents and car insurances plus an electricity bill and telephone all come in around the same time – we know they’re due and have the money to pay them. As for the other stuff, I shop around and when things I use are on special I buy in bulk, my cupboards, pantry and freezers are full.


  • we live rural so we can always find got prices for fresh fruit and vege and get some good meat prices but I also check out the specials at all 3 supermarkets and will get the things I need on special from each one and I am bad if it is a really good special stock up and than next thing you know all your freezers and cupboards are full and you don’t have to worry for a while which gives you some spare money out of some pays. I have some pays all I need is 1 bag of dog food and 7 cans of cat food as all food and other needs have been stocked up on when thing are at a great price


  • We check our purses & wallets every night, and any silver coins get put into a “piggy bank”. You’d be surprised at how quickly it adds up, you don’t miss it from your purse, and before you know it, you’ve got some money to either pay towards a bill, or treat yourself to something. My mother, sister & I often buy things in bulk between us, and divide our purchases, which makes it cheaper for all of us. And we really take notice of specials in the supermarket “junk-mail” catalogues, so we also save money that way. And we never ever ever go grocery shopping when we haven’t eaten, because if you go shopping when you’re hungry, you’re much more likely to buy food you don’t need.


  • I buy some things in bulk such as rice and pasta, put on jumpers instead of turningup the heat, use public transport wherever possible, stretch meat meals using leftovers in vegetable based dishes and rarely eat out. We put our money into solar panels a few years ago, which has almost paid for itself, and don’t have a clothes dryer. Our son has cloth nappies and we were fortunate that our friends donated or bought clothes for him in different sizes. Luckily we are both savers as it helps when your partner also understands the importance of money.

    • I think that’s the key isn’t it. It works better when both partners have like mindedness in terms of saving etc. I do many of the same things. I cook in bulk and freeze- my slow cooker is my best friend. I grocery shop in bulk when there are savings on and freeze the items. I dry my clothes inside on an airer, when the weather is too wet out.


  • Also, trying to tuck a little bit away each week – even only $5 – can really help when an unexpected or big bill comes in.


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