
8 Comment

We have a Magpie family that live in our backyard and we love them. We love to sit outside and watch them go about their day. The other pets know they belong in our backyard and do not bother them. We get hours of pleasure from sitting and watching them as it is so relaxing and calming. Do other mums have a bird family and do other mums love birds?

Posted anonymously, 15th November 2015

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  • Don’t they swoop you? We had a nest of starlings in our shed roof. There was 4 to start with, by the time they were old enough to leave the nest, there was only one left 🙁 Mother Nature sure is a hard arse!

    • They don’t swoop which is interesting – but there is nothing to harm them, so maybe they are comfortable and do not see any possible threat. We get lots of different birds and they all seem to live in harmony.

      • Magpies are interesting this way – they won’t swoop if familiar with people and feel safe around them. My nephew cared for a young magpie that fell out of a nest in his garden. It raised a few generations in the garden over following years and not one of them ever swooped.


  • I love watching birds too. But we don’t have a bird family. In the garden we often have birds though: lorikeets, Western Corellas, doves, pink galahs.. Occasionally some kingfishers… They are so cute. Oh yes, occasionally crows too, but I don’t find those so cute! 😉

    • I love being at one with nature and watching birds is so grounding. Glad you do too!

      • Yes, I do! 🙂 And in Australia there are so many gorgeous birds. When I lived in Sydney I loved listening to the kookaburras. They are so special! 🙂


  • Its lovely to hear stories if nature and urban life coexisting – we have a lot of trees and small bushes in the garden and don’t spray chemicals. Bird baths are also great.

    • We have lots of bird baths and have made a bird haven for all of the birds. I can hear them splashing about now!


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