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After reading the blog post on bullying it has managed to bring up old feelings from when I was a child at school. Kids are just so cruel. Back when I was at school kids could say the most horrible things. They weren’t armed with social media, the Internet or mobile phones, but their actions could damage the kindest souls. I spent my teenage years being trodden down… Every part of me picked to bits. I absolutely begged for acceptance but it never really came and it affected me and continues to affect me as an adult. The day that I birthed my baby girl was the greatest moment of my life, but I was instantly scared for her. I never want my children to experience what I did, but it is just so hard to prepare them for the onslaught of jealousy, bullying and emotional battering that being a teenager will present. I just hope to God that my girls are caring and confident in themselves. I hope they protect themselves and their friends, and do not let anyone else crush their confidence.

Posted by haldem337, 6th August 2013

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  • There is bullying everywhere not only kids I also as a adult got bullied and could not take it anymore so I left my job


  • Bullying is definitely worse in some schools than others. I hope you can find a good school that tackles the problem well. Once they’ve got through the ‘formative years’ it is a lot easier to shrug off the stupid jibes of others, deal with workplace put downs and bullying that goes on in the adult world. Young kids need the love and acceptance of others; family is a great place to start with the love and care she needs to cope and a good place to learn resilience when things aren’t 100%, so she can cope with the off actions and words of others.


  • Bullying is so out of control today. You can’t escape it. At school, at work, via text, on the Internet. So sad for the young ones, too many killing themselves, really need to find a solution and fast


  • yes let’s raise our children better than this. bullying is not ok.


  • great to read this story


  • It is so sad that children can be so cruel and heartless. My daughter still carries the scars of bullying and it has invaded every area of her life. If only we could protect them from these vicious and nasty individuals.


  • Yes I hear you I think I got threw school years ok but I cant believe some of the things that my son comes home and says I really only ever thought it was girls that are bi**hy but gee boys are the same or maybe its just my sons friends im not sure but im looking forwards to him finishing primary school and hopefuly some of these kids don’t go to the same school


  • I am so not looking forward to the teenage years.


  • I know exactly how you feel, my school life was very similar to yours, I was very shy and that made it very difficult and an easy target. The internet was not kind to my son, he received many threats from some kids at school, saying that if he didn’t pay them money, he would be sorry. This is just a small example. I contacted the school, but was told I needed proof for them to take action, I had the proof but this only stopped for a short amount of time. I wish you luck and hope everything goes well.


  • Sometimes being armed with special friends who will stand strong beside you is important too. They can help give you strength and protect you.


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