
5 Comment

I love Christmas and this year was very special a sew were all together which happens every 3 years. The kids all had a ball and our whole family had 3 days and nights together. We played good old fashioned games, went for walks and had a lovely meal with all the trimmings. It was so relaxing for us all and reminded us all how lucky we are to have a good strong family. But what was so lovely was the thank yous from the children for their gifts as they opened them all. I really hope that our traditions last for many decades to come and they will look back fondly on their childhood Christmas memories.

Posted by curlytops, 27th December 2013

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  • You are very lucky to have a strong family that enjoys each others company, and obviously all pitch in to make the day as memorable & relaxed for everyone – even if it is only every 3rd year. I wish all families were like that :/ I look forward to Christmas all year then am left seriously disappointed when it arrives, even when I’m the one hosting!


  • good and nice story


  • Oh that’s sounds like a very special Christmas.


  • It is so good to keep traditions…


  • Families can be so special when there is a strong bond. Having a strong familly focus early will continue on in the children when they are adults. This has happened with my grown up children very much close and family orientated still.


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