

Today, I gave my bedroom a good clean out. It was cluttered with paperwork, clothes on the floor and unnecessary furnishings like pictures and paintings I couldn’t bare to part with but couldn’t be bothered to put up. Well, I put my clothes, filed away that paperwork that had been bugging me and finally found wall space for those pictures. My bedroom now looks more peaceful and inviting and I’m looking forward to a relaxing nights sleep.

Posted anonymously, 11th June 2015

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  • Well done! Sounds like you’ve been busy and done an amazing job. I often de clutter the kids bedrooms, doesn’t take long for their rooms to look untidy and cluttered, but really should get around to doing mine


  • Love that feeling! I hate messy rooms,
    Come to my house and lean for me lol?


  • It’s always such a great feeling at the end. I love an uncluttered house!!


  • A wonderful feeling and truly satisfying when any room is cleaned and organised.


  • Good for you. It’s a great feeling isn’t it


  • How awesome does it make you feel! I get quite a bit of enjoyment out of cleaning my room!


  • Keep up the good work, I have found its easier to keep clean once you have done a huge clean up. Its just a matter of finding the time,

    • I often get half way and then run out of time.


  • I must admit, I really hate clutter in the bedroom.


  • Great job.. it feels so nice to get a job like that done – I need to do my study but just haven’t found the motivation or time yet


  • yes you need to make your bedroom a sanctuary from all the chaos in the house


  • I have to deck utter my wardrobe… I literally can’t stuff any more clothes in there.. But some of the stuff is like brand new!


  • Good work, since childhood I have not been able to handle too much clutter and since starting a family have made sure that the bedroom remains somewhat of a safe haven for me.. I mean us. Though I do have similar pile ups to your’s with our large kitchen dining area for some reason as soon as you tidy clear table and bench space there it automatically attracts more dumped items from the hubby and little one :/


  • I have to declutter my bedroom, I have a pile of clean laundry that needs to be put away, paperwork etc.


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