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One night my 1 year old daughter couldn’t sleep because a neighbour up the road was drilling something at 9:30 pm. That’s when I decided to introduce music to get her to sleep. I found the Pandora radio app and always loved Frank Sinatra music and Dean Martin. I was so excited when I found the Michael Buble station and that was that every nap Mr Buble would keep my little girl sleeping. It went on for 1 year and one afternoon I stumbled across the radios station Smooth FM advertising tickets to see Michael Buble in concert. For weeks I would call the radio station but I never would get through. I was so disappointed but I didn’t want to give up. Then one day The radio announcer mentioned Telstra giving away tickets to see MB in concert. So I did my research and that’s when I realised I’m going to win these tickets. I created a little dream board and put together me meeting MB. So one night me and my friend put together a small 30 second video about Our MB moment and we sang and had a blast. I uploaded the video and waited patiently for the winners to be announced. One afternoon I accidentally pressed something on my iPad and a MB song came on and that was my sign to check my emails. There it was an email from the Telstra congratulating me on winning tickets to see MB in concert and then the second email advising me we were going to meet him. I screamed I couldn’t believe it was happening. The night of the concert arrived and off we went all dressed up and ready to meet such a talented and inspiring family man. We arrived at the. Emir and waited patiently we were filmed, I won a MB cd on the smooth fm spin the wheel. We were greeted at our meeting point and then taken backstage. We waited patiently in room with 20 other winners. Then MB entered the room and I think I nearly peed my pants with excitement. He then asked everyone in the room how we won the competition and we said we made a video and he called us up and leaned on my shoulder while watching my video. He was funny , witty , classy and a beautiful husband and father. He was everything I pictured him to be and I thank him for giving up his time to meet us. I have a beautiful photo of me and him while he leans on my shoulder and it’s in my bedroom and my hubby always ask me when our photo will be put in our room ha ha he was truly happy for me. I now look forward to his next concert tour so I can take my daughter as she loves his music too.
Posted by mom63786, 27th October 2016
mom19782016 said
- 29 Oct 2016
mom90758 said
- 28 Oct 2016
mom112217 said
- 28 Oct 2016
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