

I just have to share this…. We have two young lads from England staying with us in Darwin for a while, I told them both about being sun responsible in our heat, but you know, boys will be boys!

My daughters and I came home the other day and one of the lads was sitting at the kitchen bench and he was bright pink, as I was giving him a lecture my youngest daughter (5) walked over to the cupboard, grabbed something out and walked over to him and started to take something out of the packet. I asked her what she was doing, she said “I’m putting sprinkles on him, he’s pink like a cupcake and all cupcakes should have sprinkles”. We couldn’t stop laughing… hence the girls now call him cupcake!

Posted by beksmum, 16th April 2014

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  • So very cute of your daughter!


  • Hahahah that is so funny! Thank you for sharing and putting a smile on my face. And what a great sense of humour your daughter has!!


  • Ha ha ha, something so off the cuff yet so brilliantly funny. Kids sure do say the darnedest things!


  • englist


  • Too cute and precious – good thinking on her part.


  • Oh so cute. I am sure they learnt there lesson after that.


  • very cute! these are priceless moments


  • That is really funny. Thanks for sharing. I hope cupcake put some aloe Vera on his sunburn lol :)


  • Thank you – a very good laugh!


  • how funny is your Miss 5 and quick thinking. I did have a good laugh thank you and she is right sprinkles are a must :)


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