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well I have spent a fortune as I will be making my Daughters 30th birthday cake so I have bought plenty of decorations to go on it and all you can eat I will also be making cup cakes as well as pop cakes, so just in ingredients and bling and air tight containers as well as cup cake stands and cake boards I will be very busy as all of the different types of cakes will match her main cake…..alot of work but alot of fun as well I have a huge pile building on my kitchen table from stand for the cup cakes and stands for pop cakes to cake tins cup cake decorations cup cake papers of different sizes and colouring as well as some already made decorations but I want to make it so perfect for her. On Monday it’s back to the shops for some more cup cake stands as well as a glass cake stand with dome lid money is going fast but it has been shopping for all the different things right down to ribbon to put around her main cake which keeps getting bigger and is now up to the size of 2 slabs together so I also decided to do the very large cup cake to go on the glass stand., but nothing is to much for my precious first born and to show her how much I care for her and all she has done as I am aiming for the wow factor and ebay loves me as well at the moment. πŸ™‚

Posted by arcticwynta, 23rd May 2014

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  • top story to read


  • I often get sucked into making cakes. I can’t help myself.


  • She has a great mother! i hope your daughter has a good 30th πŸ™‚


  • Wow, what a lucky daughter! I hope she appreciates all the effort and expense you are going to, I’m sure she does. Please post a photo of the finished cakes as they’d be great to see. They sound as though they’ll be amazing.


  • Wow that sounds amazing! I wish I had of had a 30th like that! Good on you Bonnie!


  • Lucky girl. Make sure you take lots of photos of your beautiful cakes .


  • Bonnie you have to be the Mother of the Year! How loving you are to put in so much time & effort for your daughter’s 30th. I would love to see a photo of the finished display. Hope the day goes well.


  • You sound like an amazing mum.


  • Wow sounds like cake overload hope she enjoys eating it all πŸ™‚


  • Wow… look like you are so talented mum for baking.


  • Made me think of the Great Aussie Bake Off too – now, lets get baking πŸ™‚


  • I hope in the end it all comes together as I want her 30th to be a good memory, I am even going to to try and play with marsipan or how ever it’s spelt but I have also bought 7 books to help guide me on different things I want to do. I want a class cake stand with a dome lid as I am also going to do a blingy small round cake and the big one with be 2 slab sizes unless they are to small than it will me 4 slabs and the cup cakes and pop cakes if I can get it all done in time for her day other wise I will have left over pretties and I wil. do my Grand Daughter a blingy cake as well. It all looks good in my head so all it has to do is look good on the cakes πŸ™‚


  • wow Bonnie it sounds like you should enter the next Great Aussie Bake Off. enjoy your baking, I hope the day and all the prep goes smoothly for you sweet heart


  • That’s a lot of baking!!! Your daughter is very lucky πŸ™‚


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