

I just wanted to share that I woke up this morning with the news of my great uncle has been rushed to hospital with a twisted bowel and there is nothing they can do, so they are sending him home to be in his comfortable surroundings. It is very sad but it is also such a shame on the timing as he is turning 100 in 20 days time and sadly it is highly unlikely this will happen. We are grateful that he has lived for 99 years which is an incredibly long time, but for some reason I am very sad that he will not reach his 100th birthday and he is so near.
He is a wonderful man and fought in the 2nd world war and severely injured his leg and has always been frail because of this even in his middle and late age, but he has kept going all this time. I just hope and pray that he is not in too much pain.

Posted anonymously, 5th May 2015

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  • It’s always sad when the end is near and we have to say goodbye. But as long he';s alive it’s not just time yet to grieve. Enjoy those last precious moments and make sure to make pictures and create memories.
    I’m sure they’ll give him pain relief when he’s in lots of pain. My sister had kidney cancer and died of a bowel obstruction caused by a tumor in her belly (metastasis), she got pain relief as well.


  • That’s so sad! Not so much him missing his 100th, although that’s a massive milestone to reach, but more for the fact you won’t have him for much longer. I hope you’re making the most of the time he has left??


  • Yes it is sad. My girlfriend is going through something similar with her mum and hates leaving her as her time draws near.


  • nice exellent


  • Treasure every precious moment that you still have with your great uncle. x


  • I’m sorry to hear your sad news. I’m sure they will make him comfortable


  • Sorry to hear your sad news; praying for all of you.


  • It’s not much comfort, but they do manage pain well.


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