

My 15 month old is onto her 5th ear infection in as many months, she’s had gastro lasts week and another virus or infection today, we spent the night in hospital and she screened all night keeping the whole ward awake! We are dosing up on pro biotics to try and battle off any other bugs!

Posted anonymously, 29th July 2015

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  • Hope she gets well soon and is able to stay well.


  • poor thing. hope she gets better soon


  • Poor little munchkin. Hope she feel and gets better soon.


  • Oh dear you poor thing. Hoping your little ones gets and stays well


  • Some little kids do seem to get all the bugs. Keep trying what you are doing it might just work. My oldest son was always sick with tonsilitis and infedtions and looked a awful colour it took till he was the and had them removed for him to stop getting it all the time. Hope your little one grows out of it. .


  • It does seem to work that way sometimes…


  • Poor little munchkin and poor you. Hope she gets better soon


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