
3 Comment

Reaching the age of forty has made me think how quickly the time has gone. Did I make the right choices ? Have I spent enough quality time with my children as they have grown ? Should I have begun fulltime work earlier or later to provide the best for my children ? Then i began to think I have spent the time i could with them before the need to work fulltime to provide their ever growing needs. My advice to other younger mothers is to enjoy every moment of their childs life. Every word, every movement, every story and every need. Children grow so quickly so enjoy each and every moment

Posted by crazymum, 8th November 2013

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  • must enjoy them before they grow up. it goes wayyy to fast. i don’t like that!


  • time goes so fast enjoy your children house friends love comes and goes but children are forever


  • I hear what your saying, and time only goes faster.


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