7 Comment
I went into the supermarket the other day and I went to put my 3 year old daughter in the trolley but she refused and insisted on walking, to save a tantrum I said ok.
I stopped to talk to one of my high school friends and I turned around for 2 seconds and she was gone. Straight away I went to the lolly aisle because she loved looking at all them unhealthy choices but nope she wasn’t there.
I was panicing at this point. What if she had left the store or someone had taken her?
I saw my friend was still in the fruits section so I went and asked her “Have you seen Peyton?” but nope she hadn’t. As I started walking off a lady in the loud speaker started describing my child in the ice cream section. When I walked down there Peyton was sitting on the ground she had managed to open a tub of choclate icecream and she was eating it. She had chocolate all over her top, hands and face but it was so funny. A few people walked past with disgusted looks on there faces but she’s so little and innocent I couldn’t get mad.
Posted anonymously, 16th March 2016
BellaB said
- 01 Apr 2016
mom56312 said
- 28 Mar 2016
mom93821 said
- 21 Mar 2016
june11 said
- 20 Mar 2016
mom165081 replied
- 24 Mar 2016 , 12:57 pm
mom90758 said
- 17 Mar 2016
mum888 said
- 17 Mar 2016
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