
9 Comment

I have only recently come across a local Auction site for my area on facebook. It has Admins, It has a starting bid of $1 and so far, all my transactions have been easy and financially beneficial! That old rule “one mans trash is another mans treasure’ certainly rules supreme in these cases. Stuff I would not have thought anyone else would want barr me, is now photographed, put on the site for a week and ‘bumped’ occasionally. By the end of the week, If I have bids – I’m up! If no bids – I can always repost for next week or just give away. All I have to do is message the winner and arrange a pick up time. So far I’ve sold everything from kids clothes, toys, garden stuff, my clothes (dresses are a big hit) and some homemade stuff. Quick, Easy Money – and it’s FREE !!!!! Get On It Mumma’s !!!

Posted by tania_hardman, 26th July 2016

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  • We have a similar local page. It’s not an auction site though. People post things for sale or giveaway. It has a lot of interest and most things are snapped up quick as they’re great bargains

    • we have a regular ‘buy swap sell’ page but I find no one uses it anymore because everyone is ‘after a bargain’ which they think (and often do) get from an auction. I’ve had items on the regular page at a set price and had no interest at all – put them on the auction site and people start outbidding each other and therefore pushing the price up – sometimes even higher than the original set price – its brilliant from a sellers point of view! Look into it a bit further for your area – if there’s not already one there, perhaps you could Admin one yourself. Good Luck ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I have done this in the past ๐Ÿ™‚


  • what is the name of the website?

    • its a facebook page specifically for my local area, but most areas have them now. If you enter your town name and then ‘auction’ in your fb search box, you might find you have one locally as well. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Thanks for giving mums extra info. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Thanks for sharing and glad you are enjoying online auctions.


  • Oh! That looks splendid. What a great way to earn some money with things you don’t longer need!!


  • It sound’s like a great way to pick up extra cash!


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