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I swear my 2.5 year old is just testing me and my husband. He is very intelligent and has already figured out that, if mummy says ‘no’ he can go to daddy in a different room and he will probably say ‘yes’ (mainly to cookies or muesli bars and it sometimes happens before tea)
We have been trying to toilet train him for a couple months now, but he has absolute no interest what so ever at home. A week ago i asked his daycare if they could possible help us to try and get him interested in the toilet and going ‘potty’ – they agreed and they have been such a great help so far. A couple of the other boys at daycare are starting to get toilet trained too, so he has picked up an interest at daycare! – still not a home though!!!
He had one accident at daycare and he didn’t like the feeling of wee going down his leg, so that’s a good sign (i think?)… he also had an accident outside while we tried toilet training him on the weekend, we didn’t get him to the potty in time.. We are very praising and always saying ‘Good try, Good job, There is always next time buddy’ and he gets a little chocolate when he tells us he needs to go or has gone in his pull-ups. Its now Autumn so the weather is getting colder, i was trying to toilet train him in summer but he just isn’t telling us that he has done wees/poos so i don’t think he understands fully yet and i don’t know if he is 100% ready yet.
usually if it isn’t too cold outside, i take Mr 2.5 outside in the mornings to play in his sand pit and have morning tea and play on his trucks. He usually does one wee outside (haven’t made it to the potty yet), but then around 11/11:30am its nap time as he gets pretty grump and tired around that stage, so we clean him off and put him in his pull-ups for his naps (hasn’t mastered the non-wet nappies through naps or nighttime yet) he does get grumpy taking his jocks of (that’s a good sign 😀 )
He has a musical potty, and if he goes #1 or #2 in it, it starts singing “toilet paper, toilet paper, on a roll, next too me, ill use a few squares, maybe 1 or 2 squares, how bout 3, hooray for me!’ – please dont ask how i managed to remember the whole song… I even remember the whole Iggle Piggle song from ‘ In The Night Garden’ ohh and Upsie Daisy’s song too…. -__- catchy songs lol
Anyway, since he was our first child, Mr 2.5 has absolutely no interest what so ever at home in the toilet training department… I’m thinking about buying one of those step up seats to go on the big toilet, but i don’t want to buy and then he doesn’t use! since i have never toilet trained a child before i am absolutely lost. I thought toilet training was going to be a bit easier since he can talk really well, but when we ask if he has done poos (we can smell, so we give him the opportunity to tell us so he gets a chocolate) he says ‘no’ and runs away.
I am absolutely stumped, i don’t know where to go from here and i think he needs to be toilet trained by next year to go into the kindy room at daycare (not 100% on the details there)
Posted by kck_24, 30th April 2013
mom113055 said
- 16 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 27 Dec 2014
yyon4699 said
- 31 Mar 2014
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