
16 Comment

I am so sick of having to tip toe around people because I know they are not going to like my opinion. When did it become illegal to have a completely reasonable opinion on certain issues. I was not aware that I was supposed to think the same thing as everyone else! I pride myself on never insulting people with my thoughts or opinions, but it seems that some people just manage to out words in your mouth. I have recently been the victim of a scathing ‘attack’ on my opinion because it did not line up with that of a local association (let’s just say they at supposed to support women in their ‘endeavours’ as a parent). Apparently their way is the highway and anyone that doesn’t do things their way is just ignorant or lazy. It is absolutely no wonder that PND is rife this day in age. When did we become so judgemental.

Posted by haldem337, 10th January 2014

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  • Freedom of speech is sadly being lost, due to extrem political correctness. It’s almost like we have to analyse everything we say before we say it, for fear we might offend somebody. It actually takes away from us as individuals I fear, and makes for an almost robotic society.


  • Everyone’s point of view or opinion is different. Don’t put the lid on it.

    • i agree! say what you think and you will be better off for it.


  • Everyone have the same right to give their opinion. Different opinion it doesn’t mean you in wrong position.


  • i wouldn’t worry about them


  • dont stop having an opinion nor voicing it just because its different, how are people supposed to see the other side, if everyone shuts up?

    • I agree; very well said.

      • Yes exactly, we can’t learn from each other unless people share their opinions


  • don’t stop giving your opinion just because it is not popular – everyone has a right to say what they think!


  • the world will also be filled with peiple like that just life sadly


  • Try not to take it too personal. When you see a bunch of people walking towards a path and you’re not doesn’t always mean you are wrong. It’s just that you are seeing something good that no one else can 🙂


  • i guess its just human nature


  • To be honest, I think every single human being in the world is judgemental. They might not say it but they think it. But that’s us being human. It is totally normal Just try to take it less personal.


  • Every ones got there own opinion so stuff them 🙂 u can have your own opinion dnt have to agree to other people


  • i know what you mean, its not fair to everyone always feeling second best.


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