16 Comment
I am so sick of having to tip toe around people because I know they are not going to like my opinion. When did it become illegal to have a completely reasonable opinion on certain issues. I was not aware that I was supposed to think the same thing as everyone else! I pride myself on never insulting people with my thoughts or opinions, but it seems that some people just manage to out words in your mouth. I have recently been the victim of a scathing ‘attack’ on my opinion because it did not line up with that of a local association (let’s just say they at supposed to support women in their ‘endeavours’ as a parent). Apparently their way is the highway and anyone that doesn’t do things their way is just ignorant or lazy. It is absolutely no wonder that PND is rife this day in age. When did we become so judgemental.
Posted by haldem337, 10th January 2014
hopefullyheidi said
- 28 Oct 2015
mom57522 said
- 10 Jan 2015
mom94125 replied
- 06 Mar 2015 , 2:03 pm
meimei said
- 31 May 2014
mom93821 replied
- 04 Apr 2015 , 5:26 am
coppin85 said
- 31 May 2014
catgrrl3 said
- 16 May 2014
mom93821 replied
- 08 Jan 2015 , 11:09 am
hopefullyheidi replied
- 28 Oct 2015 , 7:08 am
scottie said
- 16 May 2014
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- 31 Mar 2014
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- 20 Mar 2014
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mummy liana said
- 11 Jan 2014
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