

I like walk or run around a shared pedestrian and bike path. My gripe is that it is not shared! As I’m usually on my own, I often find I’m having to giveaway to others and get off the path. Bike riders who are riding two or more abreast often don’t revert to single file and parents with parms who are walking together don’t seem to think that they need to clear my side of the path. During the warmer, drier months, this doesn’t usually bother me however, stepping in muddy fields in the wetter months does! Please share the path people!

Posted anonymously, 23rd April 2015

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  • I get this a lot walking around town. Lines of teens hogging the footpath. I used to move, now I make them


  • I’ve experienced a similar thing when out with the kids on the paths.


  • I didn’t think cyclist where allowed to ride on the paths? or is this like in a park or something?


  • I must admit to nearly be ‘cleaned’ up several times by cyclists going extremely fast. It was actually rather scary!

    • I now wear brightly coloured clothes and there is no way that I am invisible on the path! ;)


  • Bicyclists are often astonishingly rude, I find.


  • I agree! The path belongs to everybody!


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