

I’m just taking a moment and having a break from my son who is currently going through the teething process. His poor flushed cheeks and swollen gums are a sure sign, not to mention the grizzly behaviour and ‘explosive’ (to put it nicely) nappies. The poor thing, i can’t help but feel sorry for him – thinking about my wisdom teeth and how much that hurt, i can’t imagine what it would feel like for him. With some extra cuddles, Nurofen and teething rings we seem to be surviving. I am looking forward to the next week or so and hopefully everything will calm down! :-)

Posted by cenewell, 29th August 2013

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  • My little one used to like sucking on a damp wash cloth.


  • Good luck with getting through this stage.


  • Oooo, teething, all I can say is I think I now understand why it all happens as a baby, that pain is something we don’t want to be able to remember. My poor little girl is 12 months old with three teeth, another has been waiting to come through for about two weeks now, but won’t cut through, it keeps annoying her, poor little darling.


  • Have you tried the amber teething necklaces? A few friends of mine have had absolute success with them!:)


  • My 11 month old is teething too… fun times :) But lots of cuddles and a bit of Nurofen help. It must be so painful for them!


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