3 Comment
Hello, we are the McGeechan family, Mum Kristy, Dad Mark and our children Fraser 4 and Bella 2, we are a family of 4 who became a FiFo (fly in fly out) family in February this year. Being a Queensland based family with a husband/daddy who commenced flying across to Western Australia in February this year.
The distance has been hard, but the time distance the hardest, which is 2 hours. This ment that hubby could only call first thing in the morning before work to say good morning to the children because they were always in bed when he arrived home. He would try to Skype them or he would video call on his phone. We would spend every second Sunday calling/skyping him as this was his ‘pyjama day’ (Half day RDO).
As of 2 weeks ago he scored a job back in Queensland so this means we can chat hen he finishes work around 5.15pm and then around 7pm we would call back and include daddy into bed time story time. The kids are loving this time and hopefully it will continue to work for us.
Posted by kmarree, 20th October 2013
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
Michelle said
- 28 Jul 2014
jodie80 said
- 31 Mar 2014
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