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I am sure I was born to be a Nanna, and my hubby a Grumps.

We have now a total of 7 Grandchildren, but 4 of them live interstate. We don’t get to see them much at all. I miss them so very much.

The other 3 are all girls, Skyla 10 months, Chloe is 2 and Briella is 4. She will be 5 in October. These girls live 10 minutes away from us, so we spend alot of time together, luckily. I have Briella for sleep overs and Chloe comes once a fortnight while mum and dad go shopping with Skyla. Chloe gets car sick so it is better to leave her here, she gets to spend time with her grumps.

She just loves her grumps, they are so close that it is wonderful. The look on Chloe’s face is beautiful when she see’s grumps coming. Runs up to him for a big hug. I love it. We are still close, but Briella and I have more of a bond. Briella’s birth mum left when she was 2. I can understand why, she couldn’t cope on her own, and that is fine, we know she does love her.

Briella is a beautiful little girl that lived at nanna and grump’s place for most of her life. She now has second mum, which is wonderful. Emma loves her dearly and treats her like her own. Briella even looks like Emma and the other 2 girls, so everyone thinks Emma is her real mum.

Briella started school this year, she goes to kindy 3 days a week. There have been occasions where we have had to take her and pick her up. Briella loves it, especially when nanna picks her up. That’s my nanny, she tells everyone and my heart swells.

It is amazing being a nanna, the unconditional love you receive from these little people is amazing. They love you for who you are, you can spoil them as much as you want, and hand them back if it gets tough. hehe I don’t like it when they go home, I just love the snuggles in bed in the mornings, briella comes into my bed for that snuggle and she wakes up grumps… “Come-on grumps, its time to get up”. We watch a few cartoons and then we get up for porridge. I just love it.

I really think that my maturity has made me a better Nanna that I was a Mum. I love my children, and I absolutely adore all of our grandchildren. I thank my kids for having their own children and thank you for making me a nanna. xxx Dee

Posted by dee lindsay, 18th July 2014

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  • My parents are the best thing in my boys’ life – hooray for grandparents!


  • Had to lol,at this one. Hubby has nominated he be called Grumps by the grandkids. Suits him to a tee


  • I want to be a Nanna like this. Living close by, popping over for visits, have the grandkids pop over to,ours for visits. Unfortunately, they’ll be living interstate, so my time with them will be limited to a few weeks a year. This saddens me greatly. *sigh* I AM going to move!!


  • I wish my kids could have a closer relationship with their grandparents. Unfortunately both sets live interstate 🙁


  • I also love being a Nanny and Hubby a Grand Dad and the girls love grand Dad to death and even have fought over him as the now 13 year old does not like to share him at all. We have had the kids fighting over Grand Dad when they are together as they all what to snuggle or sit on his lap. It works out well when there is only 1 here at a time but Grand Dad only has 2 legs to sit one not enough for the 7 of them at once. They love to help me cook and dance around and play dress up and things but they really light up in a whole different way when they see Grand Dad

    • Don’t the grandkids light up your life? When we see ours, my heart is so full of love, they make my bad days ‘fantastic’, when I am feeling blue – they make me laugh. My hubby was a real hard man until the grandkids arrived, now his heart just melts away when they wave, or run to him for a hug, a kiss becomes – yuk yuk yuk because of his whiskers. But that is a special thing between him and briella and chloe. We did a trip last year for us to meet new grandsons and see the two eldest grandkids. The trip was wonderful. I just wish we could do it every year. Maybe in a couple of years we can spend the cold winter interstate where it is a bit warmer. We may have to invest in a campervan.. I can see you also love being a nanna, I think it is a wonderful time of our life. Good luck and all the best with yours. Thank you for your comments. xxx Dee


  • I grew up without any Grandparents & I always wished I had a Nanna like you. I think you are a fantastic Nanna.

    • Thank you so much, you bought tears to my eyes. My dad’s mum lived interstate and my mum’s mum lived in Holland for many years, both pop and opa passed away when I was young. I saw my nanna a couple of times growing up, but oma only lived in Australia when I was very little. I remember sitting outside oma and opa’s unit playing with a real silver child’s tea set. Now she has passed away, my auntie lives in Holland but she doesn’t know what happened to it. I would have loved to have it passed down to me. So, similar to you, I really didn’t have grandparents around at all. I think this is why I am determined to be the best nanna in the world.

      I want my grandchildren to come and stay with us on our little farm, even when they are all older, I want them to know I will always be there for them. My 4 yr old granddaughter Briella is having a bit of trouble wetting the bed. She never used to, stopped when she was 3, but since she started talking to her birth mum she has started wetting the bed nearly every night. So, I decided to start a reward program, I drew up 5 hearts, wrote the dates next to them. I told her that if she doesn’t wet the bed for 5 nights, nanny and grumps would buy her something very special. The night she had a sleepover she didn’t wet the bed (she doesn’t usually wet the bed here), so I ticked the first heart. I told her mum or dad had to tick it and sign next to the heart for every night she didn’t wet the bed. So, I had a call from briella yesterday, she hadn’t wet the bed for 2 nights. I praised her and told her I was so very proud of her. Only 3 more and I would get her something special. “It won’t be a bag of lollies”, I told her. She said “Nanny, can you buy me a pretty dress”, and that is what she wants. So, I am going to my shopping website http://www.allbargainsanddiscounts.com and going to shop for a pretty dress. I know she can do it.

      Anyway, I know not growing up with grandparents is very hard to deal with, but, if you have your own children, one day you will become a nanna or grandma, and YOU will be a wonderful nanna. Good luck for the future, and thank you for your beautiful, kind words. It meant the world to me. xxx Dee


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