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Today I sent my eldest child (he’s 10,well nearly 11, in a weeks time) off to his first ever school camp. I’m a nervous wreck & I’m so out of sorts. I think it’s because I wasn’t there to share this “first” with him & it was a very rushed goodbye as I was working & my husband took him to school. Also to make matters worse he come down with the terrible cough we all had only a few days before hand & he doesn’t tolerate being sick well. I really didn’t think I could send him,however I did see him “suck it up” & be brave. Also he’s quite un-cordinated & always needs help to do buttons up etc as his fine motor skills aren’t that great either. Lots of OT etc have helped.He’s had a few sleep overs at my sister-in-laws but rarely spends time away from us. I know I have to let the apron strings go & let him be more independant but I’m worried I can’t be there for him if he needed me. Have other MoMs experienced the same emotions or am I neurotic?
Posted by damish70, 2nd July 2014
mom113055 said
- 27 Sep 2015
mom113055 said
- 20 Apr 2015
mom108638 said
- 06 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 30 Aug 2014
Kelly said
- 02 Jul 2014
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