

Hi there, I’m the mum of twin girls 7 months old, fully breast fed and love their solids -3 meals a day plus a snack. However, and there is a huge however, both girls are literally like Cheese and Chalk; Twin 1 sleeps well during the day -she still has 3 naps a day usually of 1.5hrs, but overnight she wakes 3hrly for feeds, but settles quickly post breast feed. Twin 2 however is such the opposite -she cat naps during the day and sleeps like a trooper overnight -she shares a room with her twin sister yet rarely wakes overnight when her sister demands 3hrly feeds. Twin 1 was and still is the runt -am I being cruel by starting controlled crying or should I just wake her from each sleep during the day so she is more tired at night.

Posted by littletacker, 8th May 2013

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  • I think you have to do what works best for you. I never had twins but my brother and sister are twins. They were like chalk and cheese and still are. Good luck and hang in there. I am sure these times shall pass quickly.


  • nice exellent


  • They are individual infants with different personalities, you can try to have her awake more during the day. I do not agree with controlled crying. She needs these night feeds for comfort also it is bonding time, even though It is exhausting being woken for night feeds. Do you have family who would give you some time out? You may het some assistance from the Nursing Mothers Association..


  • Twins and yet so very different!


  • You have to do what ever gets you through the day. Hope it has improved now.


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