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Eyes are heavy,

Itchy and dry,

Nose is blocked,

Something’s awry.

Hard to wake up,

I’m in pain!

Yes, it is,

The flu again!!!

Winter arrives,

With sleet and snow,

It can be pretty,

As if I would know!

I spend the winter,

Stuck in bed,

Blowing my nose,

And nursing my head.

But that’s not it,

There’s one thing more,

And this one thing,

We cannot ignore.

It’s even worse,

It’s the bad of the bad,

So much worse,

Than anything I’ve had!

It keeps us all,

On high alert,

It causes a world…

Of pain and hurt!

Yes you guessed,

Indeed it’s true,

It is the dreaded,


Sending commiserations to all the women out there who are currently pushing through their own illness in order to nurse their men back to full health. Hang in there… Xx 🙂

Posted by haldem337, 22nd July 2013

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  • Oh god, how sooky are they? The kids cope better with being sick then hubby! Anyone would think he was dying. Yet mum get sick and nothing changes, she quiet goes about her day, same as every other day, thank god for mums


  • god i hate it when a kid gets sick, we all get sick. i hate flu!


  • top storie great


  • nice story to have a read


  • Love your ode to the man flu!


  • It’s pretty sad to goad you into getting upset and provoking arguments…when it seemed like he was doing the right thing to start with. As hard as it might seem, try not to get drawn into what he’s trying to do. It seems like if he has to do these things to impress his new girlfriend perhaps that relationship isn’t all roses in any case, not to mention upsetting your son as well. Perhaps you should video him next time, to sow what an ass he’s acting like! However that’s only descending to his level too….I wonder what his girlfriend thinks of his antics, surely she can see he’s not the nice guy/father he portrays himself as.
    I wonder also what he plans to use this “evidence” for? What’s his agenda with this? How is/was he planning to use it??
    All I can suggest is keep trying to remain civil. If he tries to get you upset, stay calm and guide the conversation to the relevant points, ir that of looking after your son. If it was a one-off just to impress the gf, then I’d say something like “I felt awful how that argument was done in front of your gf, yet more so for our son who saw the whole thing. If you have something to say that is personal, I think we should have it out in private so we can come to a mutual agreement or conclusion without upsetting the good relationship we have had so far, so we can all move forward.”
    However, if he keeps going down this track, I suggest you seek Family Court advice for a more legal solution as I fear he may try to use these episodes as ammunition for perhaps more formal custody of your son. Most importantly, as your son gets older, he will see these episodes and lose respect for his dad, so try and always stay calm and collected on your part, and remind your ex to do the same. Good wishes to you all. x


  • Only 6 weeks and its spring oh its hayfever time


  • Yes so true winter is so horrible bring on spring….


  • yep, that’s pretty much been our life the past week 🙂


  • oh the joys of winter!


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