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This confronting image shows the medication one Australian mum used to help ‘survive’ severe morning sickness during her twin pregnancy.

It’s prompted an online petition, calling for medications to be listed on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Mum of three Caitlin Boyes shared the photo of her twins, Alexandra and Owen, surrounded by a huge amount of medication, to bring awareness to the issue.

“Despite the recommendation to avoid all medication apart from the occasional Panadol during pregnancy, for myself and other HG sufferers multiple medications are required for us, and our baking babies, to survive this horrific pregnancy condition,” Caitlin explains.

She continued, “Last pregnancy with Izzy I tried multiple other medications and alternative morning sickness remedies including acupuncture, osteopath, herbal tonics etc but this time I didn’t bother with anything that didn’t help last time.

Here is a snapshot of the medications I was on for the HG symptoms of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, insomnia, anxiety/ depression, headaches/ migraines.

Nothing helped a great deal but they did seem to take the edge off some of the symptoms and limit my admissions to hospital and keep me and the twins progressing through the pregnancy.

I was still unable to work, mother or do basic tasks for 7 months. I am so glad my HG journey is over and so sorry to anyone else that has to go through it!”

Caitlin adds, “Some of these medications including ondansetron aren’t on the PBS for HG and are expensive and sometimes unaffordable for HG sufferers. Please help by signing the petition to get ondansetron on the PBS for HG.”

Despite the recommendation to avoid all medication apart from the occasional panadol during pregnancy for myself and other HG sufferers multiple medications are required for us and our baking babies to survive this horrific pregnancy condition. Last pregnancy with Izzy I tried multiple other medications and alternative morning sickness remedies including acupuncture, osteopath, herbal tonics etc but this time I didn’t bother with anything that didn’t help last time. Here is a snapshot of the medications I was on for the HG symptoms of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, insomnia, anxiety/ depression, headaches/ migraines. Nothing helped a great deal but they did seem to take the edge off some of the symptoms and limit my admissions to hospital and keep me and the twins progressing through the pregnancy. I was still unable to work, mother or do basic tasks for 7 months. I am so glad my HG journey is over and so sorry to anyone else that has to go through it! Some of these medications including ondansetron aren’t on the PBS for HG and are expensive and sometimes unaffordable for HG sufferers. Please help by signing the petition to get ondansetron on the PBS for HG. Link in my bio. https://www.change.org/p/australian-government-department-of-health-petition-the-aust-govt-to-put-ondansetron-on-the-pbs-for-women-with-hyperemesis-gravidarum?recruiter=460847326&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_for_starters_page&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-no_msg

A post shared by Caito (@caitos_clan) on

In an online petition one mum shared, “During pregnancy women who suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum require medication that is very expensive.

One of these medications Ondansetron is on the PBS but only for those who are going through Chemotherapy.

I would like to see it added for women who suffer Hyperemesis Gravidarum during pregnancy too.

I experienced 2 HG pregnancies. Both of which I had to take Ondansetron throughout the entire 40 weeks.


Ondansetron comes in packets of 10 for $30+. I was taking three tablets a day. For someone who was unable to work due to the HG even whilst medicated this was an exorbitant amount of money that I just did not have.

We relied on family to purchase medication for me many weeks. Medication without I would have been permanently hospitalised due to the inability to eat or drink. The dehydration and malnourishment very nearly killed me.

No one should not be able to take medication that is required to keep them alive because of the price.”

Earlier this week we shared that a recent study has discovered how women suffering from severe morning sickness (hyperemesis) suffer up to six months after giving birth. read more here

To sign the petition and offer your support head to Change.org.

Have you struggled to afford medications to help you survive through severe morning sickness?

Share your comments below

Image via Instagram

  • I suffered morning sickness with my pregnancies but nothing like this HG story. We are lucky to have medication to relieve the symptoms but the cost is often a factor.


  • I was very sick with my first baby, and also I had placenta privia. I was also was working full time in my own business. I struggled, one Dr just said try to rest and it will pass, another Dr gave me a drug called Debandox (sorry for the spelling). I had a call from my Mum who told me that she saw that the drug was being investigated for causing defects. I was so scared that to take them just in case. It’s so hard for mums to be.


  • Makes me glad i didn’t suffer severe morning sickness.


  • Medications for this should be subsidised as this will keep the mothers hopefully out of hospital and home with their families. This drug is wonderful for helping as my son was using it for chemo.


  • So many medicines! I just signed the petition. Hoping it helps!!


  • Medication for this condition should be subsidised!


  • I can’t imagine how intense that would be. Hopefully they can put something in place similar to the free whooping cough vaccination for expecting mothers.


  • Isn’t there a safety net scheme to help?


  • Suffered terribly and paid for the required medication.


  • Pregnant women who suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum who require expensive medication, should be able to get this for free or for a very low price.


  • That is shocking! I had morning sickness with my pregnancies but thankfully it wasn’t to thus extent


  • That is an awful amount of drugs for a time in your life where you try to be as drug free as possible. I do understand why she had to take them though.


  • Being sick in all four of my pregnancies I totally understand the need for certain medications just to make it through the day, I hope they make these expensive medications more affordable soon.


  • I havnt struggled with the cost, but I did have morning g sickness throughout my last pregnancy, it was debilitating. I hope for women that get severe morning sickness to be able to get it subsidised.


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