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What does it mean to be inspired? For me, being inspired means that someone has touched me (not like that!), but emotionally, or has given me ideas on how I can better myself, how I can feel about myself, how I can be the best person I can be.

I have been inspired by a lot of different people lately – friends, clients, mentors – just to name a few. I wanted to share with you some of the things that I have learnt. I have decided that I need to be more inspirational. I know that I have inspired some people in the past and probably in the present, but I want to take that to a whole new level. I want to inspire as many people as I can. I am still not 100% sure how I am going to do that, but that is what one of my goals is, that is what I want to achieve.

I have decide I am going to be sharing more about me – I am a normal person, really! I feel it’s time to let the guards down and let you delve into the world that is Amanda Ferguson – the person behind Blue Sky Health & Fitness and Mummy Bootcamp @ Home. I have decided I want to connect more with my clients, as well as my readers. I want you to feel you know me, even if you haven’t ‘met’ me.

This is BIG for me, for a couple of reasons. If you come to my classes, you will know I am a pretty open and honest person – especially at mums and bubs classes! We often chat about the challenges of being mums – and I do have my own fair share of challenges with my energetic 2.5 year old! But there is a lot that you don’t know about me! I may come across as a strong, ‘have it all together’ kind of person, but I do have my bad days too!

I want my articles to be more about inspiration, with a little bit of education. Up until now, I have tried to ‘educate’ you in my blog posts, well today is a new day and change is on its way! Change is a good thing right – it’s as good as a holiday they say! I am ready for change. I have a feeling a lot is going to change over the next few months.

So what has spurred this on? Well, a couple of things:

* Reading other people’s blogs.

The first being by one of my wonderful Mums – Lynn Vedelsby Kinesiology. She wrote her first blog just over a year ago about her battle with PND. It is an amazing read and it really inspired me.  I know it took a lot for her to write about her journey. 12 months down the track, she has written another blog or two and again, has inspired me. Her blog Reaching Out’ hit home for me. Her comment ‘I should’ve been able to’, was what got me. Very simple words, but can have all sorts of meanings. For me it wasn’t about PND or depression, but for my battle of trying to conceive. I will go more into this over the next few months, but I am a fit and healthy person. I do all the right things, but still I am unable to fall pregnant. Yes I have a daughter, but that is a whole other blog post, which I will share one day!  Going back to Lynn’s comment – I feel I should be able to , because I do all the right things – I practice what I preach – eat well, exercise, live a healthy lifestyle.

The most recent thing about this whole situation, was that I was told by my specialist not to exercise. I am over exercising. Mmmm, telling a personal trainer, not to exercise! I know all about over exercise – I have done it in the past when training for a marathon. I know what moderate exercise is. But to not exercise at all – sent me stir crazy. Exercise is my stress relief. It is time to myself. When I exercise I feel good about myself. I love the endorphin rush, I love the natural high. I see loads of women that exercise way more than me and fall pregnant, no issues. I was getting more stressed (which also isn’t great for trying to conceive), because I couldn’t exercise, so a real catch 22! But, I did the right thing and listened to the specialist – I didn’t exercise for 3 months – only walking. And it didn’t work. So I am now back on moderate exercise – 2-3 times a week – mixing it up with running, pilates/yoga, & Mummy Bootcamp workouts and feeling SO much better about myself and I am less stressed!

I am not sure if any of you feel like this, but when you are in a role/job where you know people look up to you,  – whether it be a Personal Trainer, a kinesiologist, a doctor, whatever – for me I feel that I have to live up to that expectation all the time. That I can’t have a bad day, that I am not allowed to be stressed, that I have to ‘hold it all together’, I can’t be seen in public having a hot chip, because I tell my clients not to eat them – you get my drift! Another example is when going to out to dinner with people – friends or anyone that knows I am a personal trainer and people are scared to order what they want off the menu, or to have a glass of wine, because they might care what I think – well just so you know, I don’t!

So I guess that is part of the reason why I have tried to educate more than inspire, in case you do look up to me as being someone ‘perfect’, when I am far from that. No one is perfect. I teach people to be fit, and I know my stuff, but I am anything but that at the moment – and boy I am SO motivated to get SO fit (I have my goals all ready), for when I do end up having another baby and how fit I want to get. But one thing I have continued to do is eat well, promise!

I am a working mum, who has a messy house, who has a glass of wine, chocolate and hot chips when she feels like it.

The second blog post that hit a nerve with me the last few weeks was this one – The important thing about yelling

Yep, I have raised my voice at my daughter, especially when I am feeling stressed, or she isn’t listening to me and doing what I have asked. After reading this, I can now say I haven’t yelled at her since. It made me think about how I talk to her and how I want her to feel safe with me, rather than hoping she never is scared by me. It has inspired me to try and be the best mum that I can.

For any mums out there:

“The important thing is … it’s not too late to stop yelling.

The important thing is … children forgive–especially if they see the person they love trying to change.

The important thing is … life is too short to get upset over spilled cereal and misplaced shoes.

The important thing is … no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day.

Today we can choose a peaceful response. And in doing so, we can teach our children that peace builds bridges—bridges that can carry us over in times of trouble.”

But also remember, no-one is perfect and if you do happen to have a bad day and yell at your kids, just be aware of it, apologise and give them a hug. Just do the best you can!

  • Just love your writing and love how honest you are


  • Thanks for the link to the article on yelling. My wake up call was when I noticed my 6 year old yelling at his younger brother. I started to think “why is speaking to his brother in such a horrible way?” Then it dawned on me, with horror, that he’d learnt it from me, as I’d been very stressed and yelled at the kids to hurry up, or do what I’d asked them ten times already to do, etc. Good to be reminded to be conscious about how we deal with everyday challenges.


  • Very inspirational article – it is important to value yourself!


  • What a great motivational and inspiring article.


  • a wonderful read, thank you for the positive


  • what a great way to look at things


  • Wonderful advice, a very motivational article.


  • “The important thing is … life is too short to get upset over spilled cereal and misplaced shoes.”
    I need to write this out and place it somewhere prominent, I can handle big disasters but weetbix on the floor and I lose my s!&@


  • you can inspire people in so many ways not just fitness, treating others with kindness and patience can inspire others to do the same


  • Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it.


  • Great article. Thanks for sharing.


  • Really interesting read and I love the reference list of important points at the end


  • great read – thanks for sharing


  • Lovely article highlights not just being academic gets you somewhere in life.


  • Great articles, thanks for read.


  • Thanks for sharing! Great read


  • Thank you for this article makes me realise that my life isn’t so different from other peoples.


  • This was a really interesting article to read, thank you.


  • some great tips. thank you for sharing


  • thanks for such great tips, you have planted a few seeds for me to help encourage


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