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In Texas today Democratic senator Wendy Davis is speaking continuously for 13 hours – no sitting, no toilet breaks, no food.  It’s called filibusting and it’s this female senator’s attempt to try and stop the passing of an anti abortion bill that will virtually shut down almost every abortion clinic in the state.

As she speaks there are hundreds of women lining the corridors waiting for a chance for someone in the gallery to leave so they can take their place and show support of what this US Senator is attempting to do.

Here’s a snapshot of the article from DAILY LIFE …

Snapshot from DAILY LIFE article_Wendy Davis on anti abortion

You can read the full article here.

Or watch the action live here …

What do you think?  Would you vote to stop this anti abortion bill passing?  What would you say if you were there?

  • it is a women’s choice! no man has the right to take that away from the mothers. good on this women although this is the first that i have heard about this situation.


  • Determination, well done Wendy. To last 13 hours without a break all I can say is wow!


  • I really respect people who stand up for what they believe in, without trampling on other people – and she is quite literally standing up for her beliefs.


  • She obviously feels very strongly about it and good on her for the hard work she took on but it doesn’t say much for mature discussion…. although she may very well have tried that too.


  • I admire her dedication but how ridiculous, whatever happened to voting or discussions. Politics is such a school playground sometimes.


  • What an effort. That’s hard work.


  • what dedication – amazing that she went for so long


  • That’s going above and beyond the call of duty. Good on her, for caring enough about such an emotive subject that is every woman’s right to decide it it’s for her.


  • now that is dedication, to talk for 13 hours, no food no breaks


  • I support her commitment, hope it had some effect


  • That’s crazy! How can you talk for 13 hours?? And who would listen?!


  • Interesting read, thanks for sharing


  • She would have sent everyone to sleep.


  • thanks for sharing was a great read


  • She has gone overboard here I think

    • Going for 13 hours she seems to have gone a little over the top here.


  • my goodness ! she is insane…


  • Thanks for sharing this great article.


  • hell of a speech! no bathroom? thats brave not sure even i could hold that long! Good on her though! If you are going to do it go to a clinic and see a professional!


  • Good on her – but for 13 hours? She’d have to have lost her voice at the end!


  • I can talk… But I don’t think in could talk for 13 hours!


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