

A frightened mum rushed her daughter to Hospital this week, after she noticed an odd shaped bruise or rash on her chin.

Medical experts at Mackay Base Hospital ED examined the child’s chin and quickly diagnosed her with Ooshie-itis and Simba the Oosie was the culprit.

Simba had been suctioned to her daughter’s chin, causing the suspicious looking mark.

The bruise later disappeared and the little girl is expected to make a full recovery.

Not the first case either!

ED nurses at the Hospital admitted the Woolies collectables have been responsible for a few nasty bruises recently.

Has your child done the same? Share your comments below

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  • Glad it was something simple


  • Oh my goodness, what will be the next thing?!


  • My 4year old stuck them all to her belly. She thought it was hilarious but she ended covered under bruises


  • Haha.. I’m still throwing ours out secretly


  • Interesting that someone would think of suctioning it to themselves?


  • Ooshie-itis……lol that’s a crack up. My grandson had a few of these collected, he was stoked when I showed him how to put them on his pencils. Lol, no sign of him sticking them to himself


  • I bet that ‘warning’ that Mackay Hospital and Health Service put out was so parents would stop wasting the ED staffs time with these consultations lol.


  • All kids at some time or another do something similar to this, my son had a plastic bottle that he somehow suctioned onto his chin.


  • It may have been scary to the Mum but I hope she’s not going to blame Woolies or the Ooshies. Don’t know why her child tried to stick an ooshie to her face but then again, that’s just what kids do.


  • How on earth do you suction an Ooshie to your face?In echoing some of the other comments; there are just no words.I hope the mother isn’t blaming woolies and I don’t even think it warrants a “ warning” to others.


  • Um really? Rushed to the ED? Maybe a discussion with the child first to understand what happened.


  • That’s a bit weird. I wonder if the parent was able to ask the child what happened?


  • A bit ridiculous not sure I’d ‘rush’ my child to hospital for a small bruise.


  • Glad she is ok but why would she suction it to her face?


  • Good to keep in mind. Thankfully it was nothing too serious. Interesting that its occurring so often that the hospital has a name for it.


  • Why would someone take their child to the hospital for a bruise??? Kids will be kids – who cares, as long as they don’t seriously injure themselves, why do we have to label everything?!?!


  • Thankfully neither of mine have thought to do this yet.


  • Children will be children and silly things. Would not had thought that this could happen.


  • I thought it was going to be from sucking them or something and getting sick from the toxic chemicals in them, never thought it would be self inflicted injury.


  • Good to know, my eldest loves her ooshies but honestly if she ended up with a bruise, I would question her about it, but don’t think I’d go to hospital for it. My eldest daughter loves playing rough and getting up to trouble, pretty sure she has fresh bruises every day or every 2nd day.


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