
67 Comment

Rather than buy dad an expensive card each year for Father’s day create an ongoing gift jounal and have your children complete a page each year.


  • 1 Journal or note book of your choice (mine is a photo album I bought recently at Kikki K)
  • Photo adhesives (archival quality)
  • Variety of decorative papers


  1. Rather than buy dad an expensive card each year create an ongoing gift jounal and have your children complete a page each year. This will create a beautiful keepsake to look back on as children grow and the years pass. Find a good quality journal or note book as you want this gift to last for many years. Personalise and decorate the front cover. Perhaps include a photo of daddy with his children.
  2. Begin the first entry with personalised artwork, photo or poem. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration. For my first entry I used the ink pad on scrapbook paper to make a heart using our daughter's footprints. Attach the paper to the journal with the photo and ensure it is archival quality to make sure no damage is done over the years with inferior quality tape. Decorate the page with stickers and children may choose to write their name.
  3. Wrap up and give to dad. Remember to complete a new entry each year. If you have a few children perhaps they can each complete one page each or have their own book to fill up.


So we had a nice set, at the same time I made a matching Mother's Day journal. You may want to do the same and give it to your husband each year two weeks before Mothers Day so that he can assist children to complete a page. No sense missing out on all the fun and I'm sure it's something your husband wouldn't think of.

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This project was posted by:

  • mom150983
    • 20 Aug 2015
      4:12 pm

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  • Such a personal and great idea is this project! Thank you


  • Beautiful gift idea!!!


  • This is a lovely, adaptable idea.


  • This is a great idea. I might try something similar next year.


  • What a beautiful momento I wish I’d seen this before we had our first two fathers days..

    • If you have kept your cards from these previous Fathers day maybe you could start by adding them to your journal


  • Great idea!


  • Yes indeed! A very good idea!


  • This is a beautiful idea, and one that your own children can take on as a tradition. There will be surprises for you both when the artwork cards come home from school for mothers day and fathers day. And a long way off for you, I know, but imagine what it will look like years down the track to include footprints from your grandchildren too! (Sorry, not as many years away for some). I love that you’ve made it into a matching pair. Well done.

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging comment yes I hope this tradition does endure!


  • A beautifully beloved keepsake; thanks for sharing!.


  • What a lovely idea. Something to keep forever <3


  • What a great idea the kids can add to it every fathers day


  • My kids are going to make one of these for their step dad.




  • What a fantastic idea. Starting from their first year. Great keepsake


  • This is such a wonderful idea, thanks for sharing.


  • Oh! This is such a sweet and cute idea!!


  • this would be such a special homemade gift


  • A good idea!


  • This is brilliant! I can see it being quite popular amongst fellow crafters to put together ready for the kids to start adding to as the years go by. Thanks you for sharing this.


  • I love this idea!
    I may start these for my children what a brilliant way to watch there grow and change and in a gift that he will treasure forever.


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