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SO… what to do now that you have eaten the yummy Watermelon…
Print rainbows with the rind…of course! My husband nearly threw them in the dustbin. He said they are watermelon skins… I said, “You see skins, I see rainbows…”

And so it began, after finishing off the last of our Watermelon Lolly Pops, we got painting!


  • 1 Watermelon
  • Lots of rainbow paint!
  • Thickish Card or Paper


  1. When I cut the melon, I made sure I initially cut big enough pieces to get out a half circle, then simply cut the rind off the flesh into pieces about 1cm wide.
  2. You could use a plate big enough to dip the entire piece of watermelon into the paint, however that’s how we usually print things, so I liked the idea of carefully having to paint the rind first.

    If your watermelon is wet give it a wipe with some paper towel before you apply the paint.
  3. And the result – lovely rainbow prints! (Even if they are all over the place!)

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About The Author

Hi! I am Julie from Emma Owl. Julie: Masters & Phd in patience, Tantrum & Melt down Negotiator, Tooth brushing Instructor, Manners Expert, Toy repair Specialist, Play-date social Secretary - Coordinator of Chaos. With a corporate background I am now full time Mommy to two Children, and loving every minute of it! I manage the Emma Owl Blog, it keeps me busy and keeps my mind active. Originally from South Africa I am now a fully fledged Dutchwoman! Windmills and all!

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