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A mum-of-four has defended her decision to help her sister, who has low milk supply, by breastfeeding her nephew.

Janelle McAloon shared a video of her sister passing over her baby son so that he could continue breastfeeding, from his aunt. The video caption reads, “When your sister has low milk supply but you are a human cow’.

The TikTok video has amassed more than three million views, and attracted thousands of comments. Many fellow mums commented that they’ve done similar with their own sisters and nephews and nieces. While others were critical of an aunt breastfeeding her nephew.

“I feel like this would hurt my feelings,” commented Autumn Shortridge.

Luna Fox said, “I couldn’t.. this bothers me.. but I’m glad it works for you guys.”

“My jealousy so deep I would think my baby would call my sister mum if this happened,” said Christine Marie.

While Maranda Mitchell added, “That’s not going to help your supply and most likely why it’s low.”

Janelle decided to address the comments in a follow-up video, saying she’s happy to answer any questions about the video.

“So she just got done breastfeeding her baby and he was still hungry, still crying, he wanted more milk,” Janelle explained. “She didn’t have enough so I was like, give me him, I’ll feed him for you. No it’s not like an everyday thing, I’m not just like feeding him all the time but I will help her.

“Like if she needs help and I know that she would do the same thing for me and it shouldn’t be considered weird to people, it’s literally just milk. It’s just nutrients for the baby.”

What is wet nursing?

Breastfeeding someone else’s child, or wet nursing, isn’t a new concept. It’s thought to have started as early as 2000BC – as a way to help mothers who were unable to breastfeed. There were no bottles or formula, so a wet nurse was the only option to keep a baby alive.

Women were also hired to breastfeed other (usually wealthy) women’s children.

Wet nursing is far less common now due to more awareness about the potential risks of infectious diseases that could be passed through breastmilk.

  • Why is this an issue? She is literally feeding a hungry baby. End of story. The mum is happy, the baby is fed and happy, why should anyone else’s opinion matter..?


  • If the sister and Mum don’t have an issue and bub is thriving then that should be the focus


  • There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s lovely that the sisters have such a close relationship. It might make things easier if the sister expressed as I’m sure they’re not always together.


  • If the sisters have no issue that is all that matters.


  • Nothing wrong with it. My eldest received donor milk.
    However nursing is a supply & demand process; every time you substitute your body gets the signal to produces less milk


  • I don’t see anything wrong


  • What a lovely, kind gesture for a Sister to do.


  • I’ve just breastfed my daughter for 26 months and if I wasn’t able to, I would happily have my sister or friend do it for me. The benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the negative opinions of those that ‘disagree’. Good on you ????


  • As long as they are both okay with it then I think it’s fine. Nice that she is able to share her supply.


  • That’s a beautiful thing , that baby is very lucky to have so much love


  • I would allow that. I mixed feed my bub.


  • This was quite common in history when a women couldn’t supply breast milk for her own child. If this is what both these sisters have agreed to well that’s their decision.


  • Both mums are okay with it, so it’s a good thing.


  • That’s really lovely her doing that for her sister. I would do the same if my sister asked me to.


  • I’m glad it works for them when they need it.
    It’s not weird at all. It’s not something I would do unless absolutely necessary, but each to their own


  • The critical thing with feeding someone else’s baby is having the mother’s consent – and she clearly has that.


  • As long as they’re both okay with it then it’s not up to anyone else.


  • years ago people did hire nurses to do this for you. but rare now.


  • As long as they’re both fine with it it’s wonderful.


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