February 6 is Waitangi Day, in New Zealand.
I grew up in N.Z. This day is a public holiday. Quiet, reflective. Acknowledging the day Maori chiefs and British representatives signed the Treaty. An agreement, that is law abiding. This took place backin the 1800’s.
I know there is still unrest with some of the Maori by the unfairness in the colonising of New Zealand, by the settlers. And it was. Unfair.
Muskets and blankets traded for land? By the first settlers.
ie: I’ll give you my big “Mac upgrade” for your house.
You get the idea.
It was NOT a “happy-meal party” for the Maori when pioneers arrived and took over.
Never-the-less there is a binding treaty. There is a connection between the people.
In Australia there was never a treaty.
Nothing put into agreement, in writing with the culture already here. It is a white created society. And no law or document to say it has to be any other way.
We have all seen an Aboriginal flag flying. There is reconciliation week. This is like a bandaid on a bullet wound. It hasn’t accomplished anything. It’s superficial. They have no voice in government.
It’s the white way or the highway.
But ……. there is a current whisper on the wind of a possible inclusion of “Aboriginal voice”in politics.
Now I think it will be a growing whisper with growing volume. And ONE that won’t be silenced.
A lawful binding agreement acknowledging some Indigenous ways and cultural practices, land ownership is long overdue.
What it comes down to is simply this
It is not the personal opinion of current politicians to decide if this should happen.
thats what I think.
This needs to happen, finally. Because it’s the country’s responsibility AND because the British made rules and laws without including the other people. The Aboriginals. They actually declared the Aboriginals to be under flora and fauna and Australia was uninhabited.
Thus do everything their way.
How can Aboriginals not have a voice in Australian government. Oh, but they did have a manager of Aboriginal Affairs.
Tony Abbott.
He shook the hand of an Aboriginal youth in a remote community and said
“Thanks for putting up with the invasion.”
This behaviour is a disgrace and shameful, towards a people whose great grandparents were murdered in astronomical numbers. Emprisoned. Attempted to breed out. Still overlooked.
Now having to listen to their affairs manager, a white politician stand in some disrespectful, immature, quite rotten stance. Make awful remarks. And it’s in the newspaper. But what’s new???
Who are these people? That go into remote towns utter such heartless comments then retire on what? What did he achieve?
Pauline Hanson, a woman in politics. This whole entire shamozzle that IS PAULINE HANSON completely mystifies me.
I’ve never heard anything kind come out of her mouth. I’ve heard a lot of ranting “selfpity” about her country. She’s been treated like “a second class citizen.” She said.
The party she leads is ONE-PITY party. Seriously. Stop talking.
Look at the New Zealand priminister. Female. Showing compassion, care, inclusive practices is POWER. Saying terms like “US” One word. That says so much. Implies so much.
Its like coming out of a dark, curtained room to this blinding, beautiful warm light that is Jacinda. We’re all blinking at her like toddlers.
Going “What did that lady just say?” Rubbing our eyes after our stagnant life listening to Aussies microphone holders, the Abbott’s and Hanson’s. Fed this mush for so long. When we are capable of so much more.
A leader of a country said something nice? Words that were kind? A woman?
And I have an affirmation.
As a woman whose brought up a family in Australia, as a white woman. That white woman Pauline Hanson does not represent me and what I want for my children’s future, and their children’s future.
Australia needs this Treaty we are, as people caring, kind, connecting. It’s politicians who feed fear and keep the divisions.
A treaty is a way to move forward. A way to be fair. Until then there’s a culture who still suffers here in Australia. Their ancestors are Native Australians. This is the only country their bloodline has called home. Shouldn’t they have a VOICE?
celebrity said
- 05 Oct 2019
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