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Breastfeeding mum Abbie Herbert is in a pickle. Her baby prefers to feed on one breast. Bub is all about the right side. But it’s left Abbie with a rather tricky issue, and she’s asking other mums if it’s normal.

File this one under ‘things nobody tells you about breastfeeding’. Sometimes babies have a favourite boob. And when you’re just trying to get them to feed, you really don’t care if they’re obsessed with one side over the other. Until you realise that THIS can happen.

Abbie revealed on TikTok that it’s left her with a rather lopsided pair of breasts. And’s she’s kinda freaking out.

“Poot loves to breastfeed, but she’s very particular on what side she likes. She’s right side. So I said, ‘Girl, the right side’s yours. You stay on the right, you love it, it is yours!'”

“Well, someone forgot to remind me what would happen if you let your baby only feed on one boob.” Abbie then moves her hair to reveal a large left breast, and a smaller right one.

“This is hard as a rock. It’s not an implant, it’s just my boob and this one seems to be missing. Is this like normal? Will this ever go back? Can someone help?”

Watch on TikTok

The now viral clip has attracted supportive comments from other mums who have babies with a side preference.

“I’ve made it 16 months with only using my right for main course and left for snacks,” writes Alexandria Althoff. “I look crazy but it gets the job done. Welcome to the club!”

While TikToBeautyDoc offered the following advice: “Make sure you pump the side that she’s not nursing on, with similar regularity to her nursing.”

Does your baby prefer one side over the other when feeding?

  • It’s not that good for you and she really should express from the other boob if her baby only feeds from one.


  • All mine feed from both sides. If on the occasion they didn’t, I’d just express


  • Very common


  • I would say yes! Definitely normal… very common anyway


  • You might find this a helpful read


  • My baby did for a while but I just kept offering her the other side and eventually she took it.


  • Oh this brings back the memories of when i was breastfeeding.


  • I never knew about this either until I overheard my nan telling my mum a story about someone she knew whom it happened to!
    I had trouble breastfeeding anyway so I gave up after 3 months, unfortunately.


  • I definitely agree with pumping the breast that isn’t being used. Apparently we do have a breast that doesn’t produce as much as the other, who knows? Maybe that’s a factor!


  • Hahaha been there! I would pump off one side while he fed off the other. I ended up freezing the milk and used it the frozen milk when I went back to work.

    • Yes, pumping whist you’re feeding is the best way to go !


  • So did Tik Tok not give you the notoriety you crave?

    Poot needs a supportive environment without being single breasted and embarrassed for life from a mother who needs to speak to their health professionals not social media influences.

    Good luck in life Poot!


  • Totally normal. I’d just even up the score by expressing!


  • One of mine produced better but bub fed off both. I don’t know how you work bras out but I can understand doing whatever works.


  • Neah. My kid wasn’t that picky ????


  • Yes my boy preferred one side, I just pumped the other side. Also you may be able to feed from the non preferred side in the night, when baby is sleep feeding.


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