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As if you hadn’t had enough of minis, Coles Little Shop returns with a ‘Back to School’ range.

There’s a rumour going around that Coles Little Shop minis will return just in time for the back to school rush, with around six to eight new minis set to be introduced. The original promotion was so successful, with Coles reporting a huge increase in sales, that we can’t say we’re surprised they’re bringing it back.

Insider Information

A forum user, who claims to work at Coles, has shared the news and hinted that the new range will be available before we know it. “After the success of the first run, they discussed bringing out a Xmas version and a Back To School Version,” they said. “We’ve seen the Xmas ones, so chances are we’ll have Back to School ones on the way too. The case will probably be a mini school bag, from what I’ve heard, and there will be about six to eight to collect.” While we think the idea of a miniature schoolbag sounds super cute, we’re not sure all parents will be thrilled at the idea of once again forking out $30 every time they shop at Coles in an attempt to collect all the pieces!

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A Bit Ironic

Despite the success of the Little Shop range, Coles have frequently come under fire for introducing the plastic minis just weeks after banning plastic bags from their stores. After launching the range back in July, a Coles spokesperson defended the decision in a statement to SBS News. “The idea behind Little Shop is that customers can keep and collect them rather than throw them out,” they said. Environmental groups have criticised the supermarket chain expressing their disappointment, saying it is a step back for Coles in their push to be more environmentally friendly. “These toys are so fad-based, they are prone to being thrown away en masse,” Planet Ark communications manager Josh Cole said. “You can almost see it come in waves – when the new set get released, the old one gets thrown out.”

What do you think of the Coles Little Shop minis range? Tell us in the comments!


  • Thankfully they gave up on these


  • Well it appears this rumour was simply that……just a rumour. There were no back to school little shops


  • I got sick of them please noooo


  • I liked them when they came out at first, and I still like them. Yippee I say.


  • A once off is enough. Talk about overdoing the plastics. I’m so over it. Wonder they haven’t brought one out for Easter too


  • Good grief, talk about milking it. Wish they would come up with something more environmentally friendly.


  • I liked them when they first came out. Now a bit sick of them. Won’t be collecting.


  • They have created a great community for people to collect and share so I think it’s working. Seasonal is a great idea. Just don’t overdo it as people will lose interest.


  • Cool but I hope they’re better than the Christmas ones.

    • The first range was good and like you I hope this next range is better than the Christmas range – it seemed to be a lot of boxes. We preferred little items/food rather than boxes.


  • I don’t know why these little things excite me so much!!


  • Don’t think we need all this extra plastic which will eventually end up in landfill.


  • Thats very exciting news!
    Hopefully this time they find a solution to not having enough cases…


  • I love them and so does my daughter. I really hope they have enough cases this time as I think it’s really unfair not to and I hate seeing them on eBay with the huge markup. I will collect again.


  • Its great for people who like to collect these but for most collectors there arnt enough folders and lots of people miss out


  • Had excitement with the first lot collecting them. The Christmas ones not so much as the cases sold out so fast within an hour at our local Coles. Could never get the ice cream one, think this time no way, too much to do at that time of the year.


  • The original set is good, the Christmas set seemed less impressive, so it will be interesting to see the next range.


  • they’re cute,my kids love them but the don’t know when they re out it is just a toy mummy picked up for them


  • Will there be enough cases for everyone this time?


  • Really enjoyed the first lot and thought the kids would also love the Christmas lot….they didn’t. Yep over with that fad.


  • Of course they are, it has been quite successful for them


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