
221 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving all our lucky members the chance to WIN 1 of 8 Karen Turner book packs.

8 lucky winners will win a bookpack consisting of historical novels ‘Torn’ and ‘Inviolate,’ as well as a collection of short stories ‘All That & Everything’ by Australian author Karen Turner. 

Award-winning author, Karen Turner’s debut novel, Torn, is a historical romance set in the Regency era that explores the darkly human nature of relationships.

Set against a backdrop of love and treachery during the turbulent years of the Napoleonic Wars, this sweeping saga tells the story of a young girl, Alex Broughton, and her journey to womanhood. As events progress, Alex experiences the devastating effects of war, unrequited love, and suffers a cruel betrayal from an unlikely source.

Unlike many ‘Jane Austen’ style stories that often feature chaste lovers and scandals strictly kept ‘behind closed doors’, Karen set out to look at the damaging effects of love and betrayal in graphic detail, all the while remaining faithful to the historical era.

The bookpack includes ‘Torn’ and the recently published sequel ‘Inviolate,’ as well as a collection of short stories ‘All That & Everything’ written by Karen.

Karen Turner is an Australian author, and as an escape from the corporate world, she discovered a passion for fictional prose, which led to a rather eclectic compilation of short stories, All That and Everything. First published in 2009, many of the short stories have won literary awards, including the Society of Women Writers Vic Biennial Literary Award.


Winners for this competition

  1. D. JohanesenVIC
  2. S. PellQLD
  3. L. ClearySA
  5. K. SanderQLD
  6. K. StalkerWA
  7. L. MatteaVIC
  8. A. TavendaleSA
  • Oh, my! So many to choose. Raging 20’s or Edwardian or Late Victorian. I think it’s more about how the women dressed. Not that I’m Prudence McPrude but some ways people dress these days, there’s a lot to left desired.

  • I’d love to have been born in early Melbourne years – say the late 1800s – as I am sure it would be great to see the city grow and develop 🙂

  • 15th century England to see the strength of the monarchy, wear amazing dresses because of course id be an aristocrat – dreaming here!) and if be bathed and dressed by someone!

  • Victorian era it would have to be for me. Love the clothes and all the subtle meanings that things had – everything had a reason.

  • The 1970′s! It looked like such a fun, care-free era.

  • The 50s.. That era was so much classier, with far better hair and fashion!

  • The 1970’s! It looked like such a fun, care-free era.

  • 1930 , the people were so different then , another values , and not the last the fashion was fantastic , those dresses …wow , they were amazing.

  • the 1930’s as I would love to see how my grandparents met and my family began

  • I’d like to be born now, but have myself as my Mum. My kids have such a good life. Imagine spending school holidays with a PS3, ipads, Wii, trampoline, pool, bikes and homemade baked goodies.

  • The 1920s. Crazy but true, I love the class revolution and would be really interested in being a VAD during the war. Yes I would probably go crazy but such an experience!

  • The 1920s, it seems to be a time full of excitement!

  • I belong in little country home in the 1800’s, baking fresh bread in the wood stove, sitting by the fireplace under a hand knitted blanket.

  • I have always had a fascination with the old west, so early 1800’s would suit me!

  • if i could be born in another era it would be the roaring twenties . because i believe it would be exiting, being a time of music Prohibition, speak easy’s, corrupt cops and gangster’s it cant get much more exiting than that i reckon.

  • I’d like to be born in another 100 years, as I’d imagine the world should be a much better place (either that or it could be worse?) a lot of problems & diseases should have been sorted out by then & maybe no wars or dictators to ruin others lives?

  • I always believed from a young age I was born at the wrong time! The 1970’s would fit me down to a tea. Psychedelic fashion was ‘far out!’, I have always used the term ‘trippy’ and when ever I’m hungry I have the ‘munchies’. These terms my friends look at me strangely still when I use them in modern times. Guess I am just a 70’s girl at heart!

  • The 90’s as id love to be ten years younger again, the things I would do differently……………

  • 60’s – love all the flower power and things seemed a bit more laid back and stress free

  • I want to be in the future because my past really sucks at the moment!

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