
141 Entries

Papi is back, and he’s ready to party!

From the studio that brought you Beverly Hills Chihuahua, you’re invited to the ultimate celebration of friendship and family: Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!

Join Papi (voiced by George Lopez) and his two and four legged family as they move into a posh Beverly Hills hotel, complete with a luxurious doggy spa. But there’s trouble in puppy paradise when Rosa, the littlest member of the pack, feels smaller and less special than ever. Now it’s up to Papi to help Rosa find, and celebrate, her inner strength, which turns out to be bigger than she ever dreamed. Overflowing with laughter, love, and excitement, this is tail-wagging fun for the whole family!

To win one of these tail wagging Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 DVDs use the comment form below and tell us how your kids make you feel special.

Please note this competition is open from 8th August until 29th August and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook.

Winners for this competition

  1. M. KagieNSW
  3. W. SeelenVIC
  4. C. PrimmerNSW
  5. C. EvansQLD
  6. A. ButterworthVIC
  7. J. FafeitaNSW
  8. F. BartlettVIC

S. Symons – WA

A. Niolescu – ACT

  • My little man makes me feel special by making me feel like the most important person in his life. Every time I pick him up in the morning he has a massive cheeky smile on his face, pure love xox

  • My 18 mth old son makes me feel special every time he comes up to me and grabs my face to give me a big wet sloppy kiss :))

  • My beautiful boy tells me I’m his best friend. What more could a mum ask?

  • Hugs and kisses but I particularly like it when they snuggle in to bed with me. Its lovely!

  • 4 year old Olivia is always asking me, how much do I love her. My answer is heaps and heaps to which she says well I love you more because I love you all the way to the moon then back again. Cant beat that for love………………….

  • I feel very special when my 2 year old climbs into bed with me in the morning, cuddles me and says “I lub you Mummy”, heart melting.

  • They make me feel special by telling me that I am funny after I make a not so funny joke

  • by allowing me to be maybe not ‘mother of the year’ but love them no matter what.oh and the occasional foot rub by one of my children comes a close second.

  • My 5 yr old makes me feel special for just waking up every day. She is a very special girl to me and has thrived through so much. The wet kisses and cuddles I get are bonuses with her. And my 13 week old, she melts my heart with her big gummy smiles. I don’t need anything else in the world but my girls, oh ok, maybe hubby.

  • Mine made me a hot choc this afternoon and bought me the secret (or apparently not so secret) stash of biccies, except they aren’t allowed to use the kettle so it was more a cold water with chunky bits but it was so nice of them to try!

  • My daughter makes me feel special because she trusts me to do what best for her. (And, of course, all the hugs and kisses).

  • My Kids, make me feel special, by sending me sms s everyday with pictures on what my 17 grandkids are doing

  • My daughter makes me feel COMPLETE. There isn’t anything in the world that could make me smile the way that she can…. (EXCEPT for maybe a sleep in once and a while would be nice…). My daughter make me feel like the luckiest persone alive. I am blessed with a perfectly healthy and ACTIVE little girl.

  • my kids have learnt to sayplease and thankyou and to appreciate life

  • My kids tell me “You’re the best Mum ever!” and all three pile onto me for a huge squishy hug.

  • My 2 fairy-angel princesses-my gr’daughters, 4yrs and 6mths, & 18mths, make me feel extra special when they are visiting and at bedtime they both kick their gr dad out of bed and snuggle up next to their ‘favourite gr’ma’-my heart melts!

  • my little bubba is special because she took a while to get here shes my little miracle ivf bubba and shes just so special to her mummy and daddy

  • at the end of the school when my 11 year old daughter still runs up to me and gives me a big hug !

  • Thats too easy:) Just seeing them everyday and after a 10 nightmare on IVF reminds me of just how special they are

  • i find daisies from my girls in my hnadbag and leaves from my son, special treasures

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