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A girl dilemma

Hi Daughter is 12 and has just had a boyfriend in her school same age as her. When they go out she’s noticed that...

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Kids swimming

My girls have recently started swimming lessons together. It has taken us years of confidence building in our introvert girls to get them...

7 Answers

Dance stretches 5yr old girl

Does anyone know of a illustrated chart with pictures for a 5 yr old girl to practice for dance just started Thank you...

7 Answers

Universal Stuido’s in Singapore

I am heading to Singapore and really wanted to go to Universal Studio’s however it is quite expensive and i am not sure...

5 Answers

Trips for travelling overseas

Hi Mums, I am about to take my daughter who is 6 on her first overseas holiday. What tips and tricks do you...

7 Answers

ADHD And Medication

My teenage son was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD earlier this year. He’s been prescribed medication but doesn’t like how it makes him feel....

6 Answers

Food ideas for a party

Hi mums, I have my daughter’s birthday party next weekend and I really don’t know what to organise. Every year I have gone...

9 Answers

Birthday Present 9 year old girl


15 Answers

Sleep advice needed

I’ve got a 22 month old. Who will fight going to sleep for hours. He’s always been like this. We’ve been to sleep...

9 Answers

Mum entertainment hacks

So, let’s do each other a favour… what’s the simplest, easiest wins you’ve had with entertaining the kids? Mine is a toddler and atm,...

13 Answers

I’m starting to dislike my kids.

I know you’re not meant to say that. But, it’s the truth. I love them. I truly do. But they are very unlikeable. My middle...

10 Answers

Needing Support with my 11 year old daughter…...

How do you handle the mood swings and sudden attitude shifts of an 11-year-old daughter? Any tips for...

9 Answers

How to encourage toddler to eat regular meals?

My 1-year-and-10-month-old little girl seems to have a strong preference for snacks over regular meals. She’s happy to...

11 Answers

Reaching out to all the mums out there for advice

Hi mums, I am in desperate need of an advice and guidance. Please help! My daughter has been given the...

19 Answers

Are there any kid friendly places to visit in Gold...

Thinking of visiting Gold Coast and Brisbane next month with a 6 year old child. Wondering is there...

9 Answers

Fun activities that aren’t costly in Perth

I would love to hear what fun and cheap family activities people have come across in Perth to do over Christmas with family...

5 Answers

Partner’s ex called me a pedophile because of an...

Not sure if I’m wrong but I commented on my partner’s (of almost 2 years) profile pic of...

18 Answers

How to prevent 6 year old bed wetting at night ?

I have a 6 year old who I’m trying to toilet train at night but it’s not working....

10 Answers

What’s the best way to explain to your kids you ...

I am getting a lot of questions about let Santa, Elf on the Shelf, Tooth Fairy etc and...

12 Answers

Have your kids ever been in a split class at schoo...

I am wondering if there are any parents who have had their kids put in a split class...

21 Answers

Competitive sports

My son has been playing sport at a district level for nine years. This year, my son made it into the team at...

13 Answers

How to deal step children and their mother when we...

My partner and I are expecting our first baby in a few months, and due to the high-risk...

17 Answers

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