If you are reading this article, it is because you (or perhaps someone you know) are trying to conceive and for some reason or other, it’s just not happening… despite the diet restrictions, weekly acupuncture, herbs, vitamins, careful planning, IVF procedures and a host of other medical or natural advice you may have tried.
Or maybe you can fall pregnant but have struggled to stay pregnant and you are looking for solutions to overcome this difficult period in your life. Miscarriages are one of the most overlooked traumas in female health and they are treated very casually and very loosely. There is little support, little acknowledgement and limited access to some form of healing – whether that is counseling, energy healing or just plain good old fashioned “motherly” care.
If you are one of these women, welcome to the world of an overwhelming majority of females living and breathing in the world today that are stressed about fertility challenges and feeling pretty crappy. I have created, based on my experiences, a holistic e-book and workbook on how to understand your energy and align it to easily fall pregnant and stay pregnant. Below I am sharing ONE chapter from my e-book which discusses the “the 6 key mindset shifts” you need to get pregnant.
MINDSET #1 – Your body was designed to be pregnant!
As a female, your organs and your hormones are designed to help you birth new life. So, the first thing I tell my clients is that it’s pretty difficult NOT to fall pregnant. The odds are in your favour. So… if you actually turn your thinking around and actually trust that your body will deliver what it is innately designed to do, you will actually conceive much quicker. The more you trust yourself and your timing, the more you fall into sync with your body.
I know some people that come to me upset after 4 months of trying, and in one case – a lady in her late 20’s that come after 1 month. Now that’s a generation Y scenario for you. Immediate gratification!
If you get to 18 months and it is feeling tiresome – then ask your body what it needs for balance as there is something energetically “out of whack”.
MINDSET #2 Honour your cycles – celebrating ovulation and menstruation
Honour the fact that you ovulate because it means your body is on track. It might not be 100% ready but it’s firing up. What do I men by honour? Be grateful. Celebrate. Love your body for doing what it does on autopilot. The body is such a miraculous thing. It pumps blood around your heart. It breathes. It makes you vomit when you are poisoned so you heal quickly. It filters out toxic waste through your skin (rashes), lungs (coughing), bowels (toilet!), mouth (phlegm) and via your menstruation cycle (bleeding). It also communicates with your brain by regulating hormones and ensuring your cycle is right. Therefore when you do hit those big times in your cycle, remember to celebrate knowing that ovulation means giving of life and menstruation means to release any toxicity you are holding on to that might block fertility.
MINDSET #3 – See Yourself as a Goddess
This is an interesting one as many women I know (strong intelligent ones too) don’t like the word Goddess. In fact, they hate it! I remember back in my corporate life I used to hate that word. I thought “Goddess” was just a new-age airy fairy word for some hippie earth mother type right? Not at all! The word Goddess symbolizes a beautiful feminine and flowing energy that is life giving and cherished. That is exactly how you need to see yourself as a female ready to conceive. Conceiving is all about receiving. The Goddess energy needs to be nurtured so get your mind around this and master it. Accept compliments (and not shy away), accept help, accept love and most of all fall into flow with yin (creative) energy.
MINDSET #4 Listen to your Inner Child and be Creative
Nourishing the inner child brings happiness and pleasure to your life. Creative life force can be likened to a child. Think about birthing a creative project that is childlike and fun. Such a project might be an art exhibition or designing a beautiful craft project or planting a divine garden. Birthing these creative projects often brings on the birth of a child. It can be a creative business idea or a creative personal hobby. It can be with others or a solo effort. Other ways of accessing inner child energy is to do something you consider fun… but a bit silly. Dodgem cars, comedy shows, laughter yoga (that’s a cracker!), going for ice-cream with friend or anything else that feels a bit naughty or childlike. Having the day off work to enjoy yourself and going to the beach is perfect.
MINDSET #5 Receiving. Receiving. Receiving.
It makes sense that you need to “bring in” or receive when you fall pregnant because you are birthing or creating new life. Therefore, to get into this state of energy flow, you need to do those things that show the universe you are ready to receive. If you continually give out energy and deplete yourself, you are telling the universe there is no room or space or fuel to house a baby. This might make you feel selfish if you are not used to it. It involves putting yourself first, accepting support and not giving back straight away, admitting you need downtime and rest and taking it, asking for help, letting people shout you lunch and coffee and pampering yourself. Conception resonates with receiving. I know you might make excuses like “I have other children to look after” or “I have a really demanding job”. That’s cool but can’t you take some pressure off the accelerator just long enough to bring this baby in? Even if it’s one thing daily you make time for – such as a bath at the end of the evening or a 15 minute meditation at lunchtime with the sun in your eyes. Maybe it’s buying flowers or getting a foot massage weekly.
MINDSET #6 Let go of Control and go with the Flow
Aha – the control one… Holding on too tightly and insisting on control is a show stopper in regards to fertility. It creates a tight band of tension around the womb area. There are two types of control and you don’t want an excess of either type!
1. Control over others. This is where you are expending too much energy trying to dictate what others do and how they do it. This could play out at work by being a micro manager, or you might have a dominating personality. It could play out at home by controlling your partner, family or other friends. I am sure you understand yourself pretty well and know where you exercise control. When you extend control out you bloat the front of your womb energy and it becomes very exhausted trying to hold the space for you and the other person. You will need to find ways to let go. Control is simply a lack of trust within yourself.
2. Control over self. This is probably a very subconscious activity and hard to recognize or change due to the fact that it has become part of you. It is the inner voice or critic that dictates what you are and are not capable of. It’s the LOGICAL (yang) part of the brain as opposed to the CREATIVE (yin) part of the brain. It is the ego, the left brain and mental thoughts that judge actions and try to dominate decisions. Fear, anxiety and judgement live here. When we allow our EGO to dominate our SPIRIT or ENERGY we are not free to be in flow, be authentic and open. Does that sound like a good place to be in for conception? The best remedy for letting go of control is to shut down the MENTAL brain and open the CREATIVE part of the mind. Forget mental activities (plans, numbers, lists, factual reading, researching, business plans) and swap to creative activities (music, art, esoteric work, design, hands on work, building things, time in nature, meditation etc). These creative activities free your mind and focus you into the present – not the future.
When you are present there is someone home to greet the spirit of your child.
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