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New personalised children’s book brand, Story Antics is encouraging families to embrace the festive fun and read in the season with their young, burgeoning book lovers.

Weaving together thoughtful and enchanting narrative with captivating illustrations, Story Antics’ books provide kids the opportunity to be their own hero in a handful of quirky tales.

With six book titles currently on offer – The Christmas PresentThe Four Crazy DinosaursMonster MacaronsThe Cheeky OwlThe New Baby and Shark Swim – all Story Antics’ stories can be individually customised, encouraging little ones to embrace a genuine enjoyment of reading from an early age.

Why reading to little ones is important

According to the Department of Education and Training (Victoria), not only does reading to children from the time they are babies help to boost their imagination and cognitive development, but reading to four-and five-year olds, six to seven days per week, has the same effect as them being almost 12 months older.

Sharing stories with children is also essential for emergent literacy; when adults engage in reading experiences during those formative years, it provides children with extensive opportunities for language learning, expansion of vocabulary and developing verbal skills.

Sitting down with little ones and taking a journey through storybooks together is also a priceless bonding activity and, for many children and parents/carers, it’s the highlight of their day. No phones, no interruptions; just you and them, enjoying the moment.

The additional learning benefits of personalised storybooks

Further research published in Psychology Today also shows that children absorb and process literary knowledge and information quicker and more effectively when they can personally identify with the main character of a story.

And if that has been shown to be the case, what could be a more powerful connection for a child than sharing the same name and even similar physical attributes to the protagonist in their most beloved book? It also adds an extra element of excitement and involvement for them.

So if you’re in the process of making a list and checking it twice, Story Antics books make for the perfect present to tuck under the tree for Christmas day; it’s a one-of-a-kind gift that will be cherished forever, coming complete with space for a heartfelt printed inscription.

Special Offer

Story Antics is also offering a FREE SHIPPING CODE to Mouths of Mums’ readers – just enter the coupon code MOMSHIP in your shopping cart to give you free shipping until the end of December 2019.

Find Story Antics on Facebook and Instagram.

Please note: all Christmas orders must be placed by Sunday, 8 December 2019 to ensure on-time delivery

Story Antics has also recently partnered with Reading Out of Poverty (ROOP), a non-profit organisation with the sole focus on providing early literacy skills and school preparedness for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. When any Story Antics’ book is purchased using a designated coupon code, $10 will go towards supporting ROOP resources.  

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  • We got heaps of books for Christmas and it was great


  • I love that kids are encouraged to read. It opens up a world of imagination!


  • I love this! Reading is a powerful thing.


  • What a great program. We always read with our kids


  • Both of mine get books from Santa and I can then read them with them or they can do it independently


  • I know quite a few people that love books as presents.


  • Our kids will “hide” and read books when you want them to get dressed to leave the house on time. The youngest one started “hiding” with a little book before he started walking properly and had no intentions of moving either


  • Books are my favourite go to present. Love reading and encourage everyone to do so.


  • gifting books is such a great idea. i have already bought a few for my 4 year old, for Christmas.


  • For many many years all my daughter wanted for Christmas and birthdays was books.


  • My kids LOVE reading. One Christmas they all got book sets and were over the moon with them.


  • great stuff and you can never ho wrong with books for kids. love it.


  • we love reading in our home, great article


  • My son has always been a good reader. Nevertheless, these books are cute. Might need to get one for my neighbour’s daughter. She’s got an unhealthy relationship with the TV 🙁


  • A very cute idea to get kids interested in books and away from screens


  • My kids are so excited a out books so this is a fantastic idea


  • I love books both for my kids and for giving as gifts. Books are so special – open up new worlds, learning, imagination, bonding, routine, builds learning foundations……so many great things about books for kids. Benefits all and a great initiative from this company to promote reading in lower economic families.


  • We ask for books with a written message in the cover instead of birthday/Christmas cards. We done it for our baby shower and now we are reading through all the lovely messages and story’s from everyone it’s beautiful and so heart felt


  • Great personalised gifts and ones that will create lasting bonds and contribute to their language and development….definitely a win/win!!!


  • Stepping away from technology is fantastic!!


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