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From the mum who brought us ‘healthy’ fairy bread, comes a whole new Aussie treat transformed into something a little less sweet – healthy chocolate crackles!

Fatimah Omran recently went viral for her healthy fairy bread, which includes shredded coconut coloured with vegetable juices. And understandably, it left many people horrified.

Healthy Fairy Bread

But she hasn’t been deterred, backing up her viral fairy bread with a healthy version of chocolate crackles.

Here’s a look at how she makes them:


Fatimah explained, “My daughter wanted me to make chocolate crackles for her end of year class party, I said no, get me the seeds, Tahini and coconut oil.

“I melted the Tahini in oil, then added the cocoa, mixed in the seeds, coconut and stevia sugar. Mixed all the ingredients, combined them, popped them in patty cases, put them in the fridge and there you have it, healthy chocolate crackles.

“The children aren’t even going to know the difference.”

Here’s what you’ll need to whip up Fatimah’s Chocolate Crackles:

  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1.5 tbsp cocoa
  • 1/2 cup stevia sugar
  • 1 1/3cup mixed seeds (pepita and sunflower seeds)
  • 1/2cup shredded coconut

Hmmm … not a Rice Bubble in sight! Once again, there were plenty of comments from those who were shocked at the creations.

“I promise you the children will know the difference,” commented Grace.

“Oh how fkn delicious chocolate covered bird seed,” said Khloeee.

What do you think of this creation? What would your kids say if they asked for chocolate crackles and you served these up? Let us know in the comments below!

  • No thanks. There is nothing wrong with the original recipie. Its only an issue if you are having 12 a day. But to have one as a treat every now and again is no big deal. I had things like this when I was a kid and im doing fine.


  • I love the ingredients and think it is a great recipe to be honest. I am quite sure my kids would love this too as they love nuts and seeds. My eldest daughter who’s now 20 years old is totally into protein rich foods. She would probably want to add some protein powder.


  • I’d rather the kid come to class empty handed than be the one bringing ugly food in. Class parties aren’t the time to push your lifestyle. Make some fruit scones if you really want no sweetness or chocolate.


  • I’ve been eating a low carb diet since October to lose weight so for me these would be perfect (and I just bought a jar of tahini so I’m going to try it) but if my kids asked for chocolate crackles if make them normal ones….mmmm chocolate crackles


  • I wonder how they went down at the class party? A follow up would be great.


  • Interesting but I don’t think it can match the original.


  • Good on this mum. My kids would eat them and love them.


  • hmmm i prefer the original


  • All for nutrition but everything in moderation and some things really are meant to be less nutritious than other things. Stick to the original way


  • I’m sorry, I’ll stick with the original version. Not that I’ve had them since I was a kid, anyway.


  • I think they sound delicious. Good on her for coming up with a healthier alternative.


  • I am going to try them, my 8 year old just showed interest in pepitas after having some in trail mix! Excellent idea! Good work Mumma!


  • I’d be calling them party crackles and if they are sweet enough then the kids will love them, but they would certainly be aware they weren’t chocolate crackles. It is one way to get rid of the very sugar laden breakfast cereal though. Thanks for sharing.

    • I agree! Plus, there is so much sugar in cereals, maybe a little honey & cacoa powder -Stevia is apparently bad for all too…who knows? Sounds delicious, I’ll definately make them & give feedback.


  • See the whole point is that they are treat foods. They aren’t supposed to be healthy- I’m sure she eats something unhealthy once in a while.


  • She has put so much effort into making something healthy hats off the patience


  • great for the healthy. But sometimes good old fashioned treats are just perfect for kids.


  • Hmm looks interesting. Not sure about the tahini but everything else could work. I might give it a go.

    • You could replace the tahini with peanut butter


  • Gross. I can’t imagine eating tahini as a “dessert”.
    Seriously, some people just need to settle down with these healthy alternatives. Let kids be kids and have a treat once in awhile. It’s not like they’re eating this stuff everyday!!!
    No wonder so many kids have allergies – their bodies are deprived of different foods so when it comes time to trying it, their bodies shut down and have no idea what to do!!!


  • No no no just NO! These are nothing like chocolate crackles. They may be a yummy snack, are a healthy snack, but they are not choc crackles


  • No comparison there, totally different products so totally different flavour don’t understand how a person would think you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference


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