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From the mum who brought us ‘healthy’ fairy bread, comes a whole new Aussie treat transformed into something a little less sweet – healthy chocolate crackles!

Fatimah Omran recently went viral for her healthy fairy bread, which includes shredded coconut coloured with vegetable juices. And understandably, it left many people horrified.

Healthy Fairy Bread

But she hasn’t been deterred, backing up her viral fairy bread with a healthy version of chocolate crackles.

Here’s a look at how she makes them:


Fatimah explained, “My daughter wanted me to make chocolate crackles for her end of year class party, I said no, get me the seeds, Tahini and coconut oil.

“I melted the Tahini in oil, then added the cocoa, mixed in the seeds, coconut and stevia sugar. Mixed all the ingredients, combined them, popped them in patty cases, put them in the fridge and there you have it, healthy chocolate crackles.

“The children aren’t even going to know the difference.”

Here’s what you’ll need to whip up Fatimah’s Chocolate Crackles:

  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1.5 tbsp cocoa
  • 1/2 cup stevia sugar
  • 1 1/3cup mixed seeds (pepita and sunflower seeds)
  • 1/2cup shredded coconut

Hmmm … not a Rice Bubble in sight! Once again, there were plenty of comments from those who were shocked at the creations.

“I promise you the children will know the difference,” commented Grace.

“Oh how fkn delicious chocolate covered bird seed,” said Khloeee.

What do you think of this creation? What would your kids say if they asked for chocolate crackles and you served these up? Let us know in the comments below!

  • Umm kids aren’t stupid. Pretty sure they’re going to know this difference. Having said that this recipe actually sounds pretty good. I’d give it a go….. I just wouldn’t call them chocolate crackles 😉


  • Good on her for trying. I do think the kids in the class will know the difference though!


  • Nooo! ????????????
    The crackles arent even vaguely similar.


  • I sure have made healthier chocolate crackles and would be happy to try this.


  • Love chocolate crackles but will also give this recipe a go, but there is no replacing chocolate crackles in this household!


  • I hate these healthy substitutes – nothing beats the real thing, sugar and all! It’s what childhood memories are made of too.


  • Not a fan of this one


  • These sound okay, but they aren’t chocolate crackles. Maybe just call them something else?


  • Ivqill say no no no. Its not a recipe for our family.


  • An interesting, unique creation. I wouldn’t call them a crackle.. but hey they might actually taste ok, I really enjoy pepitas and sunflower seeds on yoghurt. Thank goodness there is some mums out there who are actually interested in coming up with new ideas for healthy snacks.


  • This is another get a grip moment. Not every food has to be perfect. A less healthy treat is fine – just make it very occasional.


  • anything is worth a try and could always be sprinkled on top of rice bubbles or porridge at breakfast time if they don’t like them as crackles.


  • its a no from me!


  • My kids would definitely know. And most likely not eat it.


  • This is not a chocolate crackle lol. It sounds awful.


  • Chocolate crackle is and old age traditional Australian recipe and brings to mind what generations of people know . Your version is not remotely close to it and should be called something else . You are inventive so invent another name and then you can take credit for what you have done


  • Oh wow you should never mess with the good old Chocolate Crackle


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