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Admittedly I don’t spend enough time looking after my skin and I don’t have the time for long beauty routines. Did you know you could pamper yourself easily, cheaply and quickly by making your own natural face mask to refresh your skin?

Why not give making this avocado face mask a go!

DIY avocado face mask

What you’ll need:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1/2 cup natural yoghurt
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


  1. Mash the avocado.
  2. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Apply a generous layer on your face and leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

This mixture is enough for 4 face masks. Excess mixture can be stored in the fridge until use.

Try it out and let me know how your skin feels afterwards. Please add comment below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

  • I love the sound of this homemade facemask, it sounds amazing and looks very easy to make too.


  • I think I would prefer to eat my Avos. They are too darn yummy


  • Looks great will give this a go. My skin needs some extra tlc at the moment.


  • So natural, but will be a challenge to not eat one of my lovely avocadoes.


  • I am going to give this a go next time I have avocados that need to be used up in a hurry.


  • I love trying new things and being pregnant have found my skin breaking out a little more then average. Maybe I put a little too much lemon, it did give the bumps a little sting.


  • I understand to concept of this but it seems to me if you dont have enough time to do a normal mask or face treatment you wouldnt be stuffing around making your own either. You can get some cheapish really nice ones these days and im not a fan of wasting a avacado with how expensive they can get.


  • Looking at the ingredients it looks a bit like I would be rubbing dip on my face. The temptation is to scrape it off with a cracker and eat it!


  • I love this idea but I’m not sure I could bring myself to use a precious avocado on my face. At least the mixture can also be eaten as a dressing as it doesn’t contain any chemicals.


  • Last week I put on a hair and face Avocado mask substitute olive oil for lemon juice so conditioning for my hair


  • I love beauty tips like this that are natural and ingredients that I generally have in my fridge. I might have a pamper session with this tonight.


  • Sounds good enough to eat


  • I have an avocado which I cut into prematurely and is too hard to eat. I may give this face cream a go with my daughter.


  • Oh. It really sounds amazing!


  • Interesting idea. Presumably there’s a use by date, though, so you’d have to do the masks in pretty quick succession.


  • I never use face masks. Maybe this would be a good first try?


  • I haven’t had a face mask in ages!
    Would love to try this but they always have such rock hard avos at our local. I’ll be waiting ages for it to go ripe.


  • Not sure about turning avo’s into a face mask too expensive


  • What an easy face mask! I’m definitely in need of this. Is isolation skin such a thing? I feel mine has become very dull 🙁


  • This sounds lovely and fresh


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