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Admittedly I don’t spend enough time looking after my skin and I don’t have the time for long beauty routines. Did you know you could pamper yourself easily, cheaply and quickly by making your own natural face mask to refresh your skin?

Why not give making this avocado face mask a go!

DIY avocado face mask

What you’ll need:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1/2 cup natural yoghurt
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


  1. Mash the avocado.
  2. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Apply a generous layer on your face and leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

This mixture is enough for 4 face masks. Excess mixture can be stored in the fridge until use.

Try it out and let me know how your skin feels afterwards. Please add comment below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

  • Beautiful and pure and you can eat what’s left over, too beautiful to waste !


  • Actually did give this a go but sorry was not a fan …think I will stick to my Rotorua Mud Mask.
    Thanks for sharing though.


  • It may be good as a face mask but I couldn’t waste the avocados. I think I’ll just eat them and hope they can refresh my skin from the inside out


  • Sounds too good to wast on your face and sounds good enough to eat-maybe eat and put on your face.


  • I’m sorry, but that seems good enough to eat. This is a similar recipe I recently printed off as a smoothie option for my son!!


  • A mask is truly natural if you can eat it, it’s a great indicator when it can go in your body it also can go on your body/skin….this one surely passes that test. Think I would eat the left overs instead of storing them in the fridge.


  • Sounds very simple and easy.


  • I think I would want to eat it lol!


  • As effective as I am sure this would be, I can’t go past actually eating our avocados lol


  • Would this go brown in the fridge?


  • The recipe makes me feel to eat it the mask. 🙂 I think it will be a challenge to use it in my face other than in my mouth.


  • Sounds too yummy to put on my face


  • Would love to see if this works! Much better and cheaper than buying expensive masks full of chemicals. Thanks for sharing!


  • Great recipe but with the price of avocados so high I’ll leave this one.


  • That sounds good enough to eat. I do love my avocado. I’ve had troubled skin post-natally for many years now so I stick with what I has finally found to work for me. However, I think this is a great option for anyone with better skin than mine.


  • I like eating avocados too much to ever make this.


  • I have tried this and it leaves your face so smooth and refreshed. It\’s simple and easy.


  • I like it that it’s a recipe what we could eat as well, that’s how it should be….anything we put on our skin (and will be absorbed into our systems) should actually be edible !


  • Sounds Devine & you can eat it afterwards 😉


  • A great idea to refresh your skin,will put the ingredrients on the shopping list!


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