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With the busyness of everyday living, many women find themselves juggling between jobs/career, money, housework, relationships and children.

The most common struggle amongst these women is the ability to fit all that they want to do in the limited time that they have.

Hence, the million dollar question is “How can I have more time and balance?”

Being a woman is hard! Every morning, women everywhere ‘put on their cape’, go out into the world and fight the battle of ‘having it all’ and making everything seem perfect and effortless.

For many mums, their responsibilities are 24 hours, 7 days a week. They are simply non-stop!

As I look around me, this is the reality of so many women: they are burning themselves out, feeling frustrated and feeling resentful towards the lives that they are living.

As the result, their relationships struggle, their careers or business gets affected and their health gets compromised. Outside, they might seem like they have it all figured out, but behind closed doors, they ride the emotional roller coaster and suffer in silence. Many live most of their days with worry, guilt, shame, anxiety and depression.

Life doesn’t have to be this way. I have been there and I know how challenging it can be. So here are my 7 simple tips on how to stop ‘juggling’ and start living:

1. Love and accept your imperfect self

It’s about accepting your shortcomings, failures, as well as all your accomplishments and successes.

Realise that every human being (including yourself) has their own flaws, weaknesses and baggage, that make them uniquely beautiful. Learn to be kinder to yourself. Love and appreciate yourself more in the simplest ways possible.  Learn to eliminate judgments, guilt or shame you have towards yourself

2. Set boundaries

This is about treating yourself with the respect you deserve.

Whether it’s in personal relationships or at a workplace, make sure you set your own boundaries to know when enough is enough.

You need to set boundaries to protect yourself, your time and your personal values. Do what’s right for you, not how everyone thinks how it’s supposed to be. Never compromise your own values just to make someone else happy because you will be the one ending up miserable.

3. Live your purpose

Make sure that you wake up everyday feeling energised by what you do and inspired to live your dream.

When you feel like you are stuck in your job and wake up every day feeling tired, exhausted or unmotivated, you know it’s time to change.

When you enjoy what you do, you will feel happier and more fulfilled. A great start is to ask yourself what you love and enjoy doing; what would your ideal average day be like? What would you do if money were not an issue?

4. Fill up your own love tank

Stop waiting for others to fill your own love tank. You are 100 percent responsible for your own love and happiness.

Make sure that you set aside some time every week to nurture your mind, body and soul. This is your personal time where you do what you enjoy without any judgments, guilt or resentment. The more you take time to take care of yourself, the more you have to give.

We each have 168 hours a week, so taking a minimum of 2-3 hours out to just recharge should be a no brainer. Go for a walk, meditate, get a massage, chill out on the couch and read some magazines, have your nails or hair done, etc.

5. Face your fears and limitations

An important part of life is for us to face our fears, live our dream and uncover our fullest potential.

Dare to face your fears and limitations. Dare to do something different everyday. Dare to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and do things that you might find uncomfortable at first.

If there is something you always wanted to do but haven’t been able to, go do it now!

6. Live more in heart space

Everyday, make sure you take some time out to appreciate and be grateful for your life.

By realising that we live in a world of abundance, we take away the fear and worry of everyday life. Be present in each moment as much as possible, breathe in deeply and enjoy every moment that you are currently alive.

7. Reach out

It is extremely important for you to realise that you are not alone.

By isolating yourself and your problem, you create more pressure and stress on yourself. Taking on board the pressure to figure everything out on your own is just unnecessary.

There are lots of resources out there to help us tackle some of the challenges we may face on our journey such as family, friends, support groups or professional help.

Have you achieved a better work/life balance? Share below how you have managed to achieve this.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I very much need to make time for me or I become overwhelmed.


  • I agree that focussing on gratitude is important, but for me that is to remember that I have been provided for in ABUNDANCE, do I have all that I want? no, Do I have all that I need? For sure


  • Sone very good points made here. We all need reminding of the important things in life and to focus on them


  • Some really great ideas in this article. Now to include some in my life.


  • This is a really good article. I am going to print out some of your points to keep me on track. Thanks.


  • I try to take some me time on a daily basis, usually it’s exercise with a friend but sometimes I like to shop on my own too.


  • Absolutely. As I get older, and my son gets older, it’s a little easier to achieve the life balance. I make more of an effort to put myself first and blend work with life rather than juggle. I think I have the best of both worlds – working for 3 days from home, available for school drop off and pick up, a brisk walk (between school drop off and starting work), yoga, time to think about and then cooking meals. Don’t worry, it’s taken me 45 years to get to this point, but I think I’m most enjoying life now.


  • Striking a good balance is very important.


  • Thank you for the useful advice.


  • i do try to find the balance and i have a hobby that i enjoy plus i blog


  • thanks for the life lessons. definitely something to think about in our busy life.


  • Suffering Chronic Pain, unable to do anything around the house, can’t take myself for a drive, so the depression started setting in hard. I get this way about every 2 years. Frustration and low self esteem.

    Then, my husband and I were introduced to Four Oceans. It is all about Global Happiness, cheap travel, and I don’t have to buy anything or sell anything. It’s wonderful. Yesterday I became Director which is so exciting. Honestly, I have never felt so good about myself. I am so proud of myself for the bit of work recruiting people to spread Global Happiness whilst it is still for Free. We are utilising Four Oceans as a Business Opportunity, so upgrading to Director increases my income considerably.

    Four Oceans is a big family, I love the Network marketing, meeting new people, but more importantly and sincerely, I love being able to help someone obtain Gloval Happiness, at that is my goal.

    I have never been happier, we are planning a trip to the USA in October, the money I earn will be kept in our e-wallet so we can utilise it for our spending money.

    My whole outlook in life has changed, my hubby has noticed the difference in me, and the whole world will see the new me. So, here I go, spreading Global Happiness. See you on the other side. xxx dee


  • Love this! One of my friends told me you need to “Do yourself a favour” every single day, something little or something big, but just make sure you do something just for you 🙂


  • thanks for sharing these tips


  • I’ve read your article 3 times this morning. Some very good points thankyou, certainly a good motivator when I’m not feeling well this week.

    • I am so glad you found this article helpful and got lots of value from it. x


  • looks great


  • this is a great article. i like these ideas!

    • The ideas are easy and simple to follow and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the article 🙂


  • Wonderful article. Some fantastic tips there. Thanks for sharing, glad I got to read it. 🙂

    • Thank you for your comment 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it


  • If it is to be, it is up to me.


  • My hubby and I are now retired, so our lives are pretty much our own.. life’s good.
    I loved reading your article and found it very inspirational but I how ever did have a little disagreement with no.3 …i do agree that one must enjoy ones job/work but in saying that so very many people do not and finding another job is VERY HARD to come by. My son graduated with a high degree in IT from Uni last year but it took him 10mths to get a job, they are just few and far between, thankfully he loves his work, work place and fellow staff but sadly this is not the case for many and finding another job is fruitless.

    • Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it! I understand that it can be challenging for some to find the job that they love. However, I do believe that there’s always a choice in regards to their career. I find that there are many women out there who feel stuck in a job that takes away their joy, happiness and fulfilment on a daily basis. As the result, they feel drained, tired and exhausted, which then affects their relationship and family life. By believing that there’s always another way, that we all have the power to choose and change the things that we are not happy about, we can enjoy life so much more


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