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The moment you have all been waiting for arrived last week…the premiere of the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer!

The movie is due to be released on Valentine’s Day 2015 and stars Jamie Doornan as the controlling billionaire Christian Grey, and Dakota Johnson as literature student Anastasia Steele.

Needless to say, the internet went absolutely crazy over the much-anticipated trailer, but is this what you were expecting?

The film is being directed by Sam Taylor-Henderson and is based on the first instalment of the saucy trilogy by E.L. James. The book is the fastest-selling paperback of all time, selling over 100 million copies worldwide.

Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey? Are you excited to see the movie?


  • This is what I was expecting. Looking forward to seeing it!


  • i don’t know what the fascination is really. like it’s an adult book so shouldn’t we all have gone through “the rite of passage” and grown up and not be so obsessed about sex by now? lol


  • Haven’t read them. Not sure what I was expecting really.


  • Have not read the books, but interested in seeing the movie. Not sure what to expect.


  • think I will read the book, before watching the movie


  • I loved the books but not going to rush out and see the movie.


  • I have read Fifty Shades Of Grey so many times i even had to check out the audio books at the library.
    I can recommend anyone to try if they haven’t, its one of those series you can’t put down, regardless of age. I salute EL James!


  • Can’t say I care much about a pretty bad book being turned into a movie.


  • Yes I have read the trilogy and am interested how they create a movie that is sure to sizzle, can’t wait!


  • I’ll wait until it’s out on dvd then watch it just to see if it’s any better than the book! Don’t want to waste my money seeing it in the cinema, like I wasted my money buying all the books. Struggled my way through the first one, then read one page of the second before I decided I’d stop torturing myself. I felt it was very poorly written and I just couldn’t get into it.


  • I might have to go and see this


  • Had a friend that just loved the books; I’ve never been into romances however I think this shows how culture has changed of the decades, now people are finding different ways for erotica as exposure through the interenet is now not enough to stimutae individual desire; but who am I do claim these theories. It oculd be a sexual domination of competition of power either way I think I will be viewing this phenonamen of 50 SHADES OF GREY!!!!!


  • Oh I can’t wait I’mso excited thisis my fav book I loved reading it.. I think I may read it again before the movie comes out..


  • Just nil interest!! But hey, that’s what choice is all about…


  • This is exiting I cant wait to see the movie


  • We were talking about this at work today and again there was the division of opinions from “I started the book and got a bit of the way through and found it was rubbish.” To “Really I thought it was amazing.” I guess I will just watch the movie.


  • I haven’t read the book yet but would like to see the movie


  • Cannot wait to see the movie!


  • I haven’t even read the books yet


  • I really think they could have found a more well known and manly male actor


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