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The moment you have all been waiting for arrived last week…the premiere of the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer!

The movie is due to be released on Valentine’s Day 2015 and stars Jamie Doornan as the controlling billionaire Christian Grey, and Dakota Johnson as literature student Anastasia Steele.

Needless to say, the internet went absolutely crazy over the much-anticipated trailer, but is this what you were expecting?

The film is being directed by Sam Taylor-Henderson and is based on the first instalment of the saucy trilogy by E.L. James. The book is the fastest-selling paperback of all time, selling over 100 million copies worldwide.

Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey? Are you excited to see the movie?


  • I didn’t read the book, even though I was offered a lend of the series. The person who offered the loan wasn’t terribly impressed…..I think she was hoping I’d borrow them & never give them back. I won’t be watching the movie.


  • have not read the book, film may be better


  • didn’t read the book and will NOT be seeing hte movie


  • It will be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype of the book!


  • Hell yes I’m excited. I’m interested to see what box office records its going to break


  • I just might be looking forward to this movie.
    I hope they fit the characters.


  • I was given the book a few months ago, but I still haven’t read it. I’ve often found that movies rarely live up to how good a book is, so if I do see the movie, I definitely won’t read the book before, as i don’t want to be disappointed.


  • From the start I just couldn’t get into this movie/book


  • Personally for me Christian and also Anastasia do not look like what I imagined them to be.
    Also its one thing to read this book in the privacy of your own home, not sure how I would go in a cinema, thinking it will have to be toned down a hell of a lot.


  • I’m still not sure about this one. Will see when it comes out


  • It is very hard to please everyone in a movie as you don’t use your own imagination of what he looks like. For some the fantasy will be spoilt, for others they will relive the sexual excitment. Personally I would watch it and take it for what it is.


  • With all the differing opinions I’m almost tempted to read the book. I have heard a mixture of things about it.


  • i havent read the book! but im interested to see the movie


  • I have read the books…..not sure about the movie though. How will they tame it down. I felt that all the hype had turned what was basically abuse into something acceptable. If he had been poor and locked her up in a cell I wonder how we would at looked at it. He has a very damaged psyche……just not sure


  • I have not read the book and heard good and bad…..
    So…the trailer of the movie looks very interesting…I would give it a go but most likely would wait for it to come out on DVD


  • Sorry to say that I am more excited about the new Hobbit movie coming out!

    • Lol! You made me laugh and by the way, I agree with you 🙂


  • Enjoyed the books, can\’t wait to see the movie


  • I loathe the book and the trailer is every bit as bad. Fifty Shades of Garbage makes Barbara Cartland’s books look like literary masterpieces. Just goes to show that you don’t need to be any sort of skilled author to write a book – sex sells and sexual deviancy in a book gets you a movie. I’ve seen the movie and book described as a love story, no it isn’t. Two words to describe this book: Mummy porn.


  • I started to read the books, got about 1/3 of the way through the first and thought it was rubbish — I really don’t see what all the fuss is about! It’s just of no interest to me.


  • I haven’t read the book (shock horror) so I wasn’t sure what to expect…looking forward to watching the movie but will probably wait until its released on dvd!


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