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It seems like the strangest way possible to help a baby sleep through the night, but this mum swears by ‘baby flipping’ and even ‘toddler flipping’ to help her children sleep peacefully.

Tomi Cook shared a video of herself flipping her three-month-old baby, Kaption, explaining that it helps him sleep longer stretches during the night.

“Do you guys have little babies that are just not sleeping through the night? What you want to do is grab them and flip them forward. Basically doing a somersault.”

Tomi said she flips her baby before he’s had his bottle, just once.

She explained in the video caption, “According to this sleep solution, you simply lift your baby and flip her forward, head over heels. The belief is that this physical flip will reset the baby’s internal schedule so the little one will sleep.”

While the video was met with plenty of scepticism, there were also hundreds of mums who said they tried it out – and it worked!

“I watched your video last night. Told my husband. He flipped our son. we felt super silly. We fed him put him to sleep and SLEPT 8 HOURSSSS! his longest stretch was 6 hours!!!!!!”

“I cried for 3 days straight when my son was 3-4 weeks old. My MIL told me about this wives tail. I laughed. Jokingly I did it. And he sleeps 10-7 every night and just turned 3 months yesterday.”

“Thank you SO MUCH! My 9mo has been randomly waking 2/3 times a night. Did this last night he slept through! Sharing the hell out of this!”


Tomi says the flip trick also works on toddlers, and older kids. She tried it with her 19-month-old and three-year-old.

So is there any science behind flipping a baby to help them sleep?

According to the Baby Sleep Academy, the baby flip is thought to reset the baby’s internal schedule. The belief is it will reset the baby’s day and night pattern. But there doesn’t actually seem to be any scientific evidence to back it up. So this falls into the old wives’ tale category!

  • For any parent who has experienced a miraculously long stretch of sleep after flipping their baby head over heels, it was a fluke! There is no evidence to support this motion helping to regulate baby’s circadian rhytmn and sleep cycles, though we’ve all been there when trying to meticulously re-create whatever we did at bedtime that led to a long stretch of glorious sleep


  • While the idea of flipping your baby might sound intriguing, it’s crucial to put safety first. Flipping a young infant could be risky, especially for babies under 12 months old.
    Our babies head and neck are very delicate in the early stages of development, and they have a space between their brain and their skull for the first (roughly) 13 months of life, so any sudden or forceful movements, including flipping babies head over heels, should be avoided to prevent potential harm. We definitely want to avoid anything that could potentially lead to shaken baby syndrome (SBS), which is as scary as it sounds.

    • Once they’re old enough to rough house and tumble safely (so toddlers and older children), supervised flipping activities can be a fantastic way to support sensory output and help children relax ready for sleep; just remember to keep it safe and controlled to avoid any accidents. But for younger children please seek other ways.


  • I’m passing this on to my Grand Daughter-in-Law. Wish I’d known about it when my boys were babies. My youngest would only sleep for 4 hours at a time (and that was on good nights).


  • I would definitely have tried this with my son when he was little. Question though – does it work for adults too??!! 🙂


  • I don’t sleep well – will try a somersault tonight and let you know!


  • Honestly, it’s hard to believe this actually works but I know that if I had heard it when I was severely sleep deprived i would have tried pretty much anything lol..


  • I’d love to see more evidence before I tried this myself.


  • I dont think I’m convinced. Surely the babys organs being flipped around inside would not be beneficial.


  • Very interesting. Wish I’d known this to try when my son was a baby


  • It would be interesting to see the science behind why this may work, or perhaps it has become part of baby’s sleep routine.


  • It is hard to fathom how one flip changes a baby and child’s internal system for sleeping ????????????


  • Interesting… not sure if I buy it. Especially from someone who calls their kid Kaption…


  • Maybe I should do a flip too before I go to sleep !

    • haha worth a try! I wish I could flip like that – I think all I would achieve would be getting dizzy and doing my back in


  • It makes you wonder. I can understand repositioning the baby but not flipping them. If I was desperate enough I’d give it a try though. I imagine it’s done gently.


  • Always used other evidence based techniques for sleeping.

    • Always a good idea to look at sleep hygiene for a good night of sleep.


  • Honestly what ever works for you to get your baby/kids to sleep


  • What in interesting and random thing to do. So great people are seeing results. I wonder how in the world the first person to try it came up with the idea.


  • So tonight we very carefully and very gently flipped our eight week old………………………….He woke up 40 minutes later. Lol


  • My anxiety levels would hit the roof. Just not convinced to do it sorry.


  • Gosh the anxiety thinking about people accidentally slipping or dropping the baby.


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