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One Mum has had to defend her choices after posting a video of her child on TikTok taken during swimming lessons. The video has been watched by millions of people and has divided opinion on the best way to teach children how to swim.

American mother of two, Krysta Meyer recently posted a video of her son Oliver taken during his swim survival class Little Fins Swim School in Colorado Springs. Eight-month-old Oliver, who is in full care of his instructor, is thrown into the pool and allowed to come to the surface himself and kick to keep afloat. The instructor slips into the pool after Oliver has been thrown in.


Ms Meyer reposted the video after it was taken down by TikTok. Her original post, which had more than 70 million views, gushed over how amazed she was by her baby’s ability and how he was “a little fish”. The updated video and caption reads “Since tiktok wanted to remove this for violating guidelines. ???? please do your research before reporting or removing”. Her original post has now been restored.

Since posting the video Krysta has been bombarded with death threats and hate comments such as “Lil man’s not swimming, he is fighting for his life” and “Ur drowning the baby”.

Krysta’s aim of posting the video was to ‘educate’ people on how you can teach a baby to flip over if they fall into the water. Motherly spoke with Krysta who said “I get it, it looks bad. It’s not for everyone” though Krysta also mentioned she is glad that the video is encouraging people to think about water safety and could potentially help save lives.

Motherly also spoke with Laurie Armstrong, the owner of Little Fins Swim School who said “Our instructors are highly trained and we provide constant ongoing professional development training and skills workshops to keep up on all the latest safety information and skills. In the video, Ms. Jill tossed the baby in the pool. We do this as part of our safety and survival level to pass, because when kids fall into water, it’s not always graceful or pretty. It can be a disorienting experience.”

The video has also been posted to several Facebook pages with many commenting on how ‘awful’ the video is, that ‘scaring babies is not teaching them how to swim’.

If you’d like to view the latest water safety tips for children, please click here.

Image source: TikTok

  • Hard to watch, I know I hold my breath every time I see these videos. But I also think it’s teaching very valuable skills. I kind of wish it was taught here too. My kids have gone to swimming lessons since 4 months. The eldest is now 5 and still doesn’t have confidence to let go and float. She loves swimming, but cant put the skills together.


  • I personally would never through my child into the water, but it is obviously a supervised session. In saying that I also wouldn’t post it to TikTok ????


  • Yeah it seems like this is how they teach them to Swim. A bit tough I guess but this is not the first time I’ve seen it


  • It is so important that children learn to swim from an early age … I guess it’s up to the parent how those lessons are learnt …. as long as there is qualified supervision, it should be okay ….


  • It looks scary but at least these are professionals. This would have to be further into their lessons I’m guessing


  • I hope the instructor knows what she’s doing.
    Still a bit dangerous as dry drowning can occur many hours after a person inhales water from a swimming pool or other body of water. Dry drowning once referred to instances in which a person died more than 24 hours after swallowing or inhaling liquid but showed no signs of breathing trouble.


  • It doesn’t seem that bad to me but I didn’t bother getting swimming lessons for mine until they were 4.


  • wow this is a mixed bag of views


  • Oh gosh my heart couldn’t take it, but I’m not educated in this area to comment


  • This is a little scary, but reassuring that he will learn to swim and survive in water from a very young age.


  • I think it’s bit scary.Because mum was not in the water.


  • People are really full on. It is so important for children to learn how to be safe in water, child drownings shouldn’t be as common as they are! The instructor was right there, baby was safe.


  • Get over it. My partner was thrown in a river let alone a Pool and if someone is monitoring a child trying to swim noone is going to be drowning. People can get there own lives and if they want there kids drowning by not learning how to swim that’s on them.


  • The child was being monitored in a secure training facility, the instructor got in immediately. Children fall into the water and drown sadly they aren’t taught survival skills. Well done to this minimal for teaching her child skills that could save lives.


  • I get the premise of what the lesson is trying to teach. Sometimes they end up in water without anybody around, so this particular baby would probably stand a better chance of survival. However, for safety reasons there should be someone already waiting in the pool incase something goes wrong. No reason why it can’t be a more controlled situation. I personally wouldn’t do this with my babies.


  • The kid could probably put swim most of the people giving the death threats, they are just jealous. Good on her for teaching her kid water safety and teaching him how to swim! Go Mumma!


  • If that will be me then sorry but i will not do it to my baby..to dangerous


  • If it’s a common thing mums are doing who cares not your baby or your parenting opinion im sure the pool had baby covered

    • I totally agree. Although this isn’t for me I am not educated enough in this area to pass judgement on the choice of another mum, nor should i, ever!


  • I wouldn’t do this to a baby this young, but that’s my choice. Death threats are ridiculous, though.


  • I’ve seen many of these types of videos, I’m not sure what all the fuss is about?


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