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If you need ideas for the best simple science experiments for kids, look no further! These are really easy ways to keep your kids engaged and they’re perfect for school holidays and those ‘Mum, I’m bored’ days.

We love seeing our kids getting excited about science and they love doing experiments using simple household products. Doing these experiments with your kids is also a great learning opportunity for your kids.

Walking water science experiment

A fun science experiment for kids that looks pretty. Discuss colours or water movement for older children, or have younger children check back later and enjoy the fun of what they find!


  • 6 Plastic or glass cups
  • Few drops Red, blue, yellow food dye
  • 6 Paper towel sheets


  1. Line glasses in straight line or circle. Half fill every 2nd glass with water. Leave the glass in between empty.
  2. Put a few drops of red food dye into the first glass of water, yellow into the second glass of water, and blue to the third glass of water.
  3. Fold or roll each paper towel strip a number of times to get a thinner strip. Fold the strip in half -then Place the first strip half into the glass of red water and half into the empty glass next to it. Then Place the next strip half into the empty glass and half into the yellow glass. Do this until all the glasses are connected.
  4. You can make a circle connection or just have one long line of glasses.
  5. The water will start to soak up the paper towel straight away. However Wait an hour to see the coloured water move from each glass into the empty glass. It may take a few hours to see new colours mixed in the empty glasses.
  6. Chat about what will happen to the water when you out the paper towel in, what colours might be created, and what your child thinks might happen – then what actually happened!

Read the full experiment here.


walking water science experiments for kids.

Make your own bath bombs

Your child’s teacher works hard all year, so why not follow these simple instructions and let them enjoy a little relaxation time with our DIY Bath bombs, also great for a secret Santa or small gifts for party hosts.


  • 1 ½ cups McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda
  • ½ cup McKenzie’s Citric Acid
  • 1 scoop Potpourri (Glitter or Holly leaves Optional)
  • A few drops of Sweet almond oil (from chemist)
  • A few drops of Essential oil, such as Peppermint or ginger
  • Red and Green Food colouring
  • Moulds – see tips for options


  1. Sieve together the McKenzie’s bi-carb soda and the McKenzie’s citric acid in a large mixing bowl, then add.
  2. In a small bowl, combine 6 drops of your chosen essential oil with 1/2 teaspoon of sweet almond oil and food colouring as you desire.
  3. Step 3 – Take 1/2 cup of dry mix and stir in the oil mixture slowly so things don’t start fizzing!
  4. Wearing rubber gloves, work the oil mixture into the dry ingredients with your finger tips until it stays compressed when squeezed.
  5. Wipe a little sweet almond oil inside the mould and fill with the mixture, packing in firmly.
  6. Repeat from Step 2 to make your other bath bombs and leave to set for 24-36 hours before removing from mould.

Read the full experiment here.


make your own fizzy bath bombs. science experiments for kids.

How to grow your own crystals

Crystal growing is a fantastic Science activity that you can do at home with the kids. Watch the kids be amazed at the crystals they grow.


  • powdered borax
  • pipe cleaners
  • sewing thread
  • food colouring
  • skewer
  • heat proof container
  • measuring spoon
  • water


  1. Use 2-3 pipe cleaners to form a shape.
  2. Tie a piece of thread to the pipe cleaners, long enough for the pipe cleaners to be submerged but not touch the sides or bottom off your container.
  3. Place 3 cups of boiling water in your container, stir in 9 tablespoons of borax and a few drops of food colouring.
  4. Hang your pipe cleaners on the thread from your skewer so that it is fully submerged.
  5. Cover the top of your container in a tea towel or foil and leave overnight.
  6. Using your skewer, pull up your pipe cleaner and discover the magical crystal you have grown.

Read the full experiment here.


make your own crystals at home. science experiments for kids.

 Make Your Own Bath Salts

These bath salts are made with Epsom salts and bicarb. When using them in the bath, they can ease stress and relax the body. They can also relieve pain and muscle cramps and can help muscles and nerves function more efficiently. Kids will love to make this too, let them choose their fragrance oil and colour, this way you are sure they will come out clean.


  • 2 cups Epsom Salts
  • 2 Tbsp Bi Carb
  • 1 Tbsp Fragrance Oil
  • A few drops Of Body dye or food colouring of your choice
  • 1 Spatula
  • 1 Glass storage Jar


  1. Pour Epsom salts into a bowl.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of bicarb to the salts.
  3. Then mix the salts and bicarb together to ensure there are no lumpy bits and it’s mixed well.
  4. Then measure out your fragrance oil ( you can buy these from discount stores, candle shops or soap supply stores. You can also use essential oils but will only need a few drops. Add to the mix and blend through with a spatula so its fully mixed.
  5. Add your colouring. Mix throughly.
  6. You have made your bath salts. Put into a pretty jar and add to your bath when you want to relax and unwind.

Read the full experiment here.

bath salts science experiments for kids.



What is your favourite science experiments to do with your kids? Tell us in the comments below.

  • Bath Bombs and bath salts are a great thing to get the kids making as christmas gifts.


  • I love these kinds of activities to do with the kids. The coloured paper towel looks great 😀


  • Absolutely loved the making your own bath salts hack. I had all the ingredients on hand and it was so simple to follow. Between the hand sanitiser I made last week and the bath salts this week, I am getting a headstart for home made christmas gifts…. Just love a cost effective hand made product that was made with love!


  • There’s one about jumping sultanas – I can only remember it with instructions in front of me. Kids love it.


  • I’m pleased to see that the children are wearing safety glasses. I wish more parents and also teachers would do that


  • So fun and great to get the kids thinking


  • I’ve sent this article to my daughter in law. She’s a kindergarten teacher with a 4yo son, both at home at the moment. Fun, learning activities are always welcome


  • My favourite one as a kid was paper mâché volcanos with bicarbonate soda and vinegar with red food colouring. The ”explosion” was always so exciting


  • My kids would love these! They are forever wanting to try new things.


  • I like the bath bombs ! don’t know if I would like to add food colouring, I would prefer to add beetroot juice/powder for example


  • Ohhh I forgot about making crystals!


  • Thanks for sharing your experiments. These will keep the grandchildren fascinated. Thanks for sharing.


  • These are fascinating experiments I’ve never heard of before. Good to know in case I need to keep kids occupied on a rainy day


  • There are so many great experiments out there!


  • Great for school holidays.


  • Aw, these are so simple and fab and awesome to do with young kids. And all with stuff from home.


  • love these, my boys would still figure out some way of blowing up the kitchen hahah


  • My daughter loves her bath bombs.


  • Fantastic ones here, thanks.


  • This is so cool!!


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