
Uncle Tobys Cheerios
4.2 from 31 star ratings
75% would add to their trolley
  • Great tasting and low in sugar.

    4 out of 5

    My kids all love cheerios and ask me to buy them every week. I’m happy because they ate low in sugar compared to most cereals. Even I’ll have a bowl sometimes and I don’t generally eat cereal. My youngest likes eating them as a snack on their own without milk too.

  • Not for me

    1.5 out of 5

    I checked the sugar content and is far too high. Also the fibre content is lacking and there is too much sodium. There are other better options.

  • Breakie fav

    5 out of 5

    I work in OOSH and this is the most popular cereal and first choice for breakfast. The children eat them with milk, plain and also with yogurt.

  • Best for breakfast and snacks!

    4 out of 5

    I bought a box the other week after years of ignoring them in the aisle. The kids and I loved them, and they were the perfect addition to our little ones lunch box.

  • favourite

    5 out of 5

    I think this would be one of the favourite cereals in my house. It is such a great breakfast and the kids love it (so do I).

  • Just great cereal

    4 out of 5

    This is really good cereal for your toddlers first try because it has iron and not heaps of sugar they can also eat it without milk for a snack

  • 4 star goodness

    4 out of 5

    It’s on the box – 4 star goodness! A great basic cereal – the honey cheerios are a whole step (or star) up though! But these are good if no honey cheerios are available.

  • One of my favorites.

    5 out of 5

    Cheerios is one of my favorite cereals, it’s not too sweet and has a big crunch. I like that the cereal takes a bit longer to go soggy in your milk.

  • yummm

    4.5 out of 5

    Cheerios I love, the value pack is awesome last longer, great tasting you can add honey and fruit to make it even better! Great buy

  • Kids love it

    4 out of 5

    My kids really enjoy these cheerios for breakfast and even as a snack. They are a good size and they don’t soften too quickly so they still have a little crunch when milk is poured over it. I highly recommend this for your little ones.

  • Great Snack

    5 out of 5

    Uncle Tobys Cheerios are such a good snack for the grandchildren, they are small and promote find motor skills but they are also a tasty snack.

  • Snacks

    5 out of 5

    This is one of the healthier options for the kids and us adults too, great for snacking on as well as it is without milk.

  • Classic

    4 out of 5

    These are an old traditional! Whilst not my family’s favourite, they are great to keep in the pantry for a change up of breakfast cereals.

  • Tasty cereal

    3.5 out of 5

    The kids seemed to really like it and it was a great change from the standard breakfast choices – slightly more expensive than other brands but on special Im sure it would be a good deal

  • Family favourite

    4.5 out of 5

    Cheerios are a favourite with my children. I like to add them into other cereal to give a crunchy texture, without an overpowering flavour. This large size box is good value.

  • Daughters Favourite

    5 out of 5

    Uncle Toby’s Cheerios is a great nutritious option for a cereal or even a lunch box snack. It is sweet but still offers the goodness of a variety of wholegrains.

  • Kids favorite cereal

    4.5 out of 5

    My kids love Cheerios, and given the 4 star rating, I don’t feel bad about giving it to them for breakfast. I love that it is jam packed with whole grains.

  • Kids favourite

    4.5 out of 5

    These have been my kids favourite. They will always asks for them when shopping in the supermarket. I prefer they have Cheerios than chocolate covered cereals!

  • miss the low sugar ones

    2.5 out of 5

    These are ok but i find them a bit sweet and am reluctant to give them to my kids except as a treat cereal or little extra snack in their recess. I wish uncle tobys would bring back the low sugar ones.

  • Great finger food.

    5 out of 5

    All 3 of my kids demolish cheerios to the point i have to limit how many boxes i buy over the fortnight. If given the chance a whole box would be gone in one sitting.

  • We love cheerios

    5 out of 5

    Cheerios are a favourite in my family at breakfast time. All of the kids love it and even us adults enjoy it. I feel good knowing it’s made with whole grains

  • Kids love them

    4 out of 5

    I buy these whenever they are on special so that we never run out because my kids love them. The health rating is pretty good so I don’t mind my kids eating them compared to other cereal.

  • Taste Good

    3 out of 5

    I think Uncle Tobys cheerios are a lovely tasty breakfast cereal and my family love them too but I don’t buy them too often because of the high sugar content so this is just an occasional breakfast meal.

  • Kids favourite

    4.5 out of 5

    My kids love Cheerios and I don’t mind them having them as they rate quite well for sugar content compared to other cereals on the market.

  • Healthy breakfast cereal

    4 out of 5

    A much better alternative to other sugary cereals out there. My kids love the taste of cheerios and would eat every day of they could.

  • Dislike the 4star rating

    3.5 out of 5

    Wow, the health rating on some food products really needs an overhaul. I do enjoy these and they are lower sugar then a lot of other kids cereals.

  • Enjoy it

    5 out of 5

    I absolutely love the Cheerios and I have been loving it for ages this cereal is a more healthier option since it got whole grains which is a bonus

  • sneeky with a bit of sweet

    4 out of 5

    They have a good star rating made from wholegrain and more a little sweet and look like little o’s different in colour and the whole family enjoys

  • We buy these every week.

    4 out of 5

    My husband and grandsons love this product, its always on our shopping list and we buy double when the boys are home, They are all fussy eaters but do enjoy Cheerios.

  • Cheerios

    4 out of 5

    Cheerios by Uncle Tobys are yummy little round pieces of cereal. Love the taste in a big bowl with a big helping of milk. Love the crunch and the flavour – a good cereal.

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